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Common sense of using med訊紅ical glass bottles Release time: 2020-04-15 Visited: 549 Times

With the improvement of people's qu短中ality of life, more and more 北都families have to store some comm小鐵only used oral liquid medicines in case放電 of emergency. For example, 看但novel coronavirus, which has b時人een recently proposed to inhibi店是t the new coronavirus, has bee人到n panic buying and hoarding by the照月 general public. Because glass has pack大歌aging characteristics that other pack工動aging materials can嗎廠9;t replace, oral liquid is usually器有 stored in medical glass bottles. 間舞Now I would like to share with yo跳答u some details abou不歌t the use of medical glass 分高bottles:

First of all, the麗朋 date, production date a請業nd expiration time on the medical 錯光glass bottle need special attent跳木ion. Check them 志子before each use. We 月場all know the threat to human body 窗他caused by taking expired drugs. Secon些有dly, the unsealed drugs should be pu銀白t back into the original medi又體cal glass bottles. Some dru又暗gs are stored in brown or opa機聽que medical glass bottles. That'行妹s because this kind of medicine 近笑has the require草場ment of avoiding ligh現弟t. In this case, if河話 these drugs are placed in o中電ther empty bott相什les, it will obviously 明他break the circle o鄉費f drug preservation.

Thirdly, please do n笑明ot take out the desiccant a視黑nd dry cotton in the me答區dical glass bott聽用le. Because the medicine glass bottl物煙e after opening will contact w大友ith the air, these water 時老will affect the drying environment of t長議he medicine.

In addition, for oral medic大妹ine glass bottles, such as syru下慢p medicine glass bottles,身媽 the mouth should not directly co還喝ntact with the mouth of the bottl門朋e, because if the specia哥用l structure of bacteria: capsule, flag了到ella, and pili grow at 也謝the mouth of the bottle, it will cert森紙ainly affect the storage of drugs.