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Application of cosmetic glass bottle Release time: 2街音020-04-22 Visited: 478 Times

Glass bottles are mainly us藍腦ed in cosmetics: skin care pr錢坐oducts (cream, lotion), perfume, essent問老ial oil and nail polish. They are s年但mall in size, larger tha空現n 200ml and rare能信ly used in cosmetics. Glass bottles 鐘嗎are divided into wide mou海可thed bottles and narrow 醫睡mouthed bottles. Solid shaped paste is 朋科usually used with wide mouthed bott唱去les, suitable for electrified alu關熱minum cover or 相還plastic cover, bottle cap 海城can be used for c費個olor injection and other effect視在s. Emulsion or water type paste船輛 is generally used with na問嗎rrow mouthpiece, suita長都ble for pump heads, for example, mat笑體ching cover with inner plug, wat暗風er agent with small hole with inner plu暗秒g, thicker emulsion with la劇讀rge hole plug.

Glass bottles ar玩區e easy to be damaged due 通藍to uneven thickness, or車兒 easily crushed by contents under個我 severe cold condition們照s. The reasonable capac會的ity shall be tested during黃理 filling. Paper sh自農all be used for transportation an國醫d separated separ放外ately. Color boxes 湖務shall be equipped on the products. T道跳he inner bracket放為 and middle box can take more an喝大ti vibration eff你秒ect.

The commonly used shape of glas鐵答s bottle is usually in stock, s放來uch as essential oi業西l bottle, common transparent or frost問不ed bottle. The production cycle們你 of glass bottles is銀輛 long, 20 days for fast prod照作uction, 45 days for some d劇購elivery, and the gene的看ral order quantity is 5000-10000.草件 The smaller the 路唱bottle type, the large雜都r the quantity to be煙拍 made, and the cycle and star綠員ting order quantity will be af愛制fected by the pea也喝k season and off-seas慢個on. Cost of opening mold: t船拍he cost of manual mold is西街 about 2500 yuan, 上車that of automatic mold is about 4000 yu器新an, and that of one out of fo個話ur or one out o事頻f eight is about 16000 yuan to坐兵 32000 yuan, depe場們nding on the manufacturer's condi放劇tions. The essential oil bottle i新河s usually made of tea colored or col木請ored and colored abrasive. It can avo看看id light. The cover is cove道動red with a safety r照購ing, and can be provided wi快友th an inner plug or a dropper. The pe長線rfume bottle is usually在歌 equipped with an exqu開美isite spray pump head or plastic co身報ver.

Combination form:

1. Cream bottle series: g鐘人lass bottle body + d相有ouble plastic cover (general capacity 還計is 10g-50g)

2, essence liquid妹你 series: glass bottle body + 錢車plastic pump head o藍是r electrified aluminum pu做還mp head (relatively high 森又capacity in 20 to 100ml)

3. Toner series: glass bottle的到 body + plastic 舞靜inner plug + outer cover (mo什朋re than 100ml, whi姐亮ch can also be equippe拿信d with pump head)

4. Essential oil bottle 知我series: glass bottle body + 說湖inner plug + big he了看ad cover or rubber dripper + dropp劇妹er + electrochemical alumin姐可um cover

Manufacturing pro文美cess:

Bottle body: transparent bottle, fro看窗sted bottle, colored bottl兵員e white porcelain 外跳bottle, essential oil bottle (跳動not commonly used bu都生t with high quantity, le要路ss professional line), spray

Generally, the spraying effect shoul計算d be increased by 0.5-1.1 女自yuan / piece, d店高epending on the area and the靜農 difficulty of c兵音olor matching. The scr光音een printing is 0.1 yuan / color. T了西he cylindrical bottle can be 從體used for monochromatic calculation, and男工 the shaped bottle can件通 be used for bicolor 東林or polycolor calculation.

Printing: silk screen printing 師路and bronzing (the n能錢umber of times of silk screen printing物書 and bronzing should not exceed 2金行 in total, too many c地有olors, high quality products空我 and high cost)

Screen printing: there are two kinds of如外 glass bottle screen printing: one子拍 is high-temperature ink screen printin物河g, which is not eas秒討y to decolorize, the color is rela但去tively dull, and the p還喝urple color matching is diffi姐什cult to produce effect; the oth暗務er is low-temperatu近飛re ink screen printin刀笑g, which is relat間做ively bright in color and h樂習as high requirements for 快慢ink, otherwise it is easy to fall明校 off, and attention中多 should be paid to bottle店外 detoxification. Gold and silver st老是amping 0.4 yuan / item.