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​玻璃瓶生産廠家提高玻璃瓶硬度的線雜主要技術有哪些方面(miàn) Release time: 2020-去弟07-06 Visited: 531 Times

The first is the transparency 費但of glass bottles. The transparency什媽 of glass bottles can give custom暗北ers a clean vis那呢ual impression. The hardnes他短s and quality of glass b女視ottles can enhance cus知呢tomers' confidence. Many 習廠manufacturers improve the quality o農林f glass containers by 跳湖cold and thermal spraying, an玩草d the inner and outer walls of g開司lass bottles.

Another way to improve the har他個dness of the container窗訊 by adding powder into the wall h看睡eating is to reduce the crac大我ks on the surface and inside of the gla化章ss bottle, so as to improve 行電the hardness of 了唱the glass bottle and improve the produ錯吧ct quality. The specific p話文rinciple of this method i西門s: when the glass bottle comes out 計門of the molding mold of the bottle房紙 making machine, the multi p海路article ammonium sulfate 能樹powder is put into the bott錯金le through the a算坐utomatic powder spraying mac化歌hine, and then annealed in the anne輛很aling furnace.

The automatic powder feeder is e商高quipped with a funnel, a powder stor下但age pipe and a powder f山風eeding nozzle. The piston rod wi習湖th feeding hole can 道子slide repeatedl去說y horizontally. The powder in t影空he storage tube can be qua愛術ntitatively fed into the山我 feed nozzle and fall into the glass 秒黑bottle. Due to 音高the uniform dist一姐ribution of powder in the glass b答水ottle and the uniform heat 銀車absorption at the bottom of the 小請bottle, the cracks are 遠影reduced and the treatment q計師uality is improved. After t大可he second return物商, there are few cracks in 女兒the glass container, and the ha你的rdness and yield化雨 can be increased accordingly.