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(glass bottle) a又她 kind of packing也師 container that peo綠相ple are familiar with and like to遠那 use Release time: 2020-08-30 Visited: 2327 Times

In all packaging industries吃理, it belongs to glass bottle 鄉玩packaging, which is h鄉水ealthy, pollution-拿器free and has high quality. A我銀s one of the main glass products, gla現她ss bottle is a kin海呢d of packaging co如路ntainer that people are fami兵視liar with and like to use. In recen鐵微t decades, with the 月到development of industrial techn個北ology, a variety of 和資new packaging materials suc分到h as plastics, composite materials, spe車金cial packaging paper, tinplate, alumin就討um and so on have低低 been produced. Gla那大ss as a packaging material is in fier身慢ce competition 志我with other packaging materials. But f朋從or the sake of h道熱ealth, we still advocate the刀你 use of glass bott匠內les.

In the process of making glass 車了bottles and jars, 農但the raw materials need to be h樹著eated to a high temperature of 15人商00 degrees to m老爸elt. After the products come out,日票 the bottles and jar黃個s are clean and sterile. Beca市筆use of its good transparency, the foo著物d in the glass bottle ca黑對n be seen directly, so that consumers 現森can distinguish the color and quality短不 of food. Moreover, the舞站 packaging of gla區大ss bottle is not easy to deform and 化秒easy to store.

In addition, the packaging of glass 房路bottles and cans is這話 pollution-free, and it ca公拿n be recycled fo了可r many times, which 如見will not damage the 來下environment. Therefore, in a long p校爸eriod of time in t海資he future, the packaging 雪師of glass bottles 通低and cans will be very popular. In近農 the future developme小人nt of the packaging industry, the im理公portance of the use 還開of glass bottles and cans購身 can not be changed, and it is m自間ore and more welcomed by m校他ajor packaging enterprises. Th答說erefore, in the use of product p紅章ackaging, it is very importa國道nt to choose healthy, p什拿ollution-free, high quality gl書城ass packaging.