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"Pause Button", those stories of "Ac綠什celerator" Release time: 2020-02-10 Visited: 267 Times

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, Feb匠是ruary 9th. The community技長 is closed, buses are stopped, a年來nd public places 開裡are closed ... As the new crown pne書會umonia epidemic pre大愛vention and control enter山店s a critical period, Zhejiang has b光房een tightly controlled in ma刀秒ny places.

The epidemic has put a "麗事pause button" on society, and so章我me rhythms have been slowed down. Ho歌算wever, in Zhejiang, which w體間as the first to 如短initiate a first-level response 微可to a major public health emergency, th頻物ere is no shortage of rushing f舊身igures and moments.

They took the &qu刀村ot;accelerator" for themselves, 妹短in order to rob life with the epid路那emic, and not to stop cities and vill中還ages ...

During the "slower&quo冷腦t; holiday, they helped in Starry Nig低山ht

On February 9, Hangzhou, Zhejiang視年, hundreds of medical support staff set長亮 off for Hubei.

"We have to run faster to get bac站白k more lives from the virus!"

For half a month, Zhejiang has dispatc北筆hed more than a thousand emergency medi是車cal teams consisting of doctors, nurs個間es, medical technicians and音路 logisticians to the front 風城line of Hubei in batches. So用生me returned the air tickets that they 睡個had already bought, a間雪nd some cut off Long hair, new na頻吃ils, and some New Year's produc兵吃ts for parents are lying in the tru內民nk of the car ...

On the afternoon 工關of the thirteenth day of Lu物嗎nar New Year, L遠紅u Qun, the director開服 of the infection management departmen新音t of the Second高理 Hospital of Zhej街議iang University, simply left the她分 table and left for W答作uhan. "The 放河time is running out and I have 金志no time to hesitate." W黃訊hat she left to her family and co老業lleagues was a hurried ba他火ck, and a "testament&q腦媽uot; lying in the drawer of the hospit南海al's leadership office.

The knower is fearless, this is really業玩 brave. The so-called h動懂ealer is the case.

In this slow vacation, nea不微rly 500,000 people in t美廠he health system in Z爸秒hejiang Province are running around the國請 clock to fight the epidem兵鐵ic. As a province wi錢會th a large number of co器信nfirmed cases, the epidemic prevent微睡ion and control in Zhejia文事ng Province is also at a speed of lif老人e and death.

In order to ensure 間鐵centralized treatment, the Zheji歌水ang University First Hospital opene道視d on the second day of th妹筆e first year as a centralized行照 treatment point for 和靜critically ill patients, and all patie對匠nts diagnosed in other hosp去務itals were transferred within h黃車alf an hour.

In order to lock the 來少confirmed cases and prov又計ide a fast and accurate basis海笑 for the clinic, the i拿低nspectors put on protective cl風愛othing for a do姐都zen hours, and the results are a要時vailable within two or three hours.

In order to isolate the diseas我姐ed strains and find effective劇機 drugs as soon as pos知子sible, the resear少錯chers in the disease control d海制epartment open the弟地 eyes every day to "close他雜 contact" with the vi也長rus and use them for懂明 one minute to two minute了費s. By using AI 哥嗎diagnostic technology,吧一 the original hours of genetic an妹這alysis of suspected cases can be shor木業tened to half an hour人男.

"Pause button&我北quot;, they are working over報飛time

"Can you no刀雪t go home for Chi了事nese New Year? There is an urgent 新都task!" At the end of 線月the phone, the corporate exec身數utive's voice was hoarse and h但上astily. Wang Shusheng, 兒花who had packed his luggage and plan車些ned to return to his hometown in 離門Anhui the same day, received a 微器call and decided多些 to stay in the facto腦商ry to work overtime.

On the front li煙行ne of epidemic prevent話姐ion, there is a big gap between著睡 masks and medical protective clothin說懂g. On the other side of th章一e staff, the workshop is almos吧多t closed ... In a hur草北ry, Shaoxing Zhende Medi作多cal Supplies Co.,村熱 Ltd. proposed to stay an身到d resume production and刀城 change the "two-shift system&quo電西t; to " "媽自Three shifts"微醫, the production time was技相 adjusted from 12 hours to "te歌時mporary 24 hours".

When countless ente相人rprises were affecte器讀d by the epidemic situation and要術 resumed work, when歌舞 pressing the "p間錢ause button", a group o區村f high-quality medical equip相答ment enterprises in Zhejia朋放ng were accelerat火讀ing the production of medical masks, p水劇rotective clothing, di醫知sinfectant, and quickly su新火pported the front line of epidemic pre件明vention.

"As long as th雜對ere is a demand for epid西答emic prevention materials companies, we年報 scream on the Int個刀ernet, and the govern訊自ment will help solve it." Lo國老ngyou County, Zhej和做iang Guancheng Technology Co., L房畫td. said. They mainly produce medical街些 non-woven fabrics and have encount那和ered problems such as insuffic還熱ient labor. The County Bi坐兒g Data Bureau, in conjunction 雜樂with the Jingxin an畫身d Human Resources Departments, accurate笑都ly analyzed the gaps and低道 released recruitment info朋船rmation on Longyoutong.慢光 Ten front-line w腦為orkers were urgent你裡ly recruited that night. At prese謝兵nt, the company'們鐘s daily production capacity多厭 reaches 10 tons.

The supplies in f家做ront are tight, and the government and中看 enterprises in the rear are work劇東ing together to race agains工體t time.

Donated a series分外 of high-energy nega金水tive oxygen ion products for理拿 sterilization of wards to red子你uce the risk of cross-infect人和ion of doctors and patients; do放大nated logistics 和土storage space; organize文術d online free consultations .很呢.. from government to enterprises就玩, individuals to institutions, material哥區s and raw materials The director and從錢 each perform their d分對uties to work overtime for 就科epidemic prevention material s照白upport.