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Manufacturing process of glass費嗎 bottle Release time: 2020-04-1聽水3 Visited: 459 Times

The glass bottle has the業從 advantages of simple 票得manufacturing proces笑冷s, free and changeable s國很hape, high hardnes通不s, heat resistance, cl人跳eanness, easy cleanin長熱g, and can be used repeatedl鄉快y. First of all, we need 制科to design, determine and manufacture 吃友the mold. The glass bot友物tle is made of quartz s花樹and as the main 會城raw material, and 內工other auxiliary materials melt 行什into liquid state at high temperature. 南慢Then, the essential oil bottl來答e is injected into the mold, cooled, cu站下t and tempered to form the glass bott弟船le. Glass bottle gener刀日ally has a rigid mark術文, which is also made of mo章金ld shape. According to the 飛亮manufacturing method, the glas舞花s bottle can be divided醫老 into three types: manual blow店中ing, mechanical blow頻林ing and extrusion司樹 molding.

Glass bottle production制自 process mainly includes r都如aw material pre-processing. The m高美assive raw materials (quartz sand, s醫妹oda ash, limestone,有紅 feldspar, etc.) are crush見筆ed to dry the wet raw materials. The i市校ron containing raw materials a城開re removed to ensure 坐刀the quality of gl年動ass. Preparation an資村d melting of the mixt黑可ure. The glass mixture is h師花eated at 1550 ~ 1600民村 ℃ in the tank furnace or tank furn聽年ace to form a uni間船form, bubble free liquid gl筆地ass which meets t生報he forming requ會雨irements. Put the liquid笑讀 glass into the mold to mak金樹e the required shape of glass p街友roducts, such as flat plate, v錯生arious utensils a爸討nd other heat treatme湖都nt. Through annealing飛姐, quenching and oth要數er processes, it can eliminate or produ離那ce the internal stress, phase separatio雜姐n or crystallization of the glass, and土制 change the structural stat員信e of the glass.