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Do you know how the但男 glass bottle is quoted? Release time: 2020書這-04-12 Visited: 465 Times

Glass bottle is d亮公ivided into conventional bottl近歌e and special-shaped bott文資le. The price calculation of conventio南裡nal bottle is relatively simple. G放木enerally, the price is quote門器d by referring to the main 有愛value of weight. Th音飛e price calculation of special-s到唱haped bottle is rather troublesome,這會 mainly taking the 場購following points as the core商你 for quotation re雪吧ference:

1. Product quantity: the quantity o樹頻f a purchase will also affect the 黃影price of the bottle. Gla月吧ss bottle manufa就大cturers generally have a larg了還e starting order for glass bottles, be器不cause the cost of replacement of heav海短y products with different mat小數erials is relatively high. If the慢服re is no inventory, 錢制it is good to calculate th市拍e cost.

2. Product weight: Gen匠紅eral conventional produ用來cts, stable production outp店都ut, according t長跳o the cost of raw materi謝高als, statistics of produc中影t weight unit price.

3. Product yield: fi舊習rst of all, we sho友制uld consider its di說學fficulty. The speed of the mach場了ine will affect the p農裡rice of the bottle. In雨物 the production p都跳rocess, we should kno報和w more about the pr微年oduct process and 科區the yield of the glass bottle. If the y做是ield is higher, t現師he price there w妹可ill be relatively high唱聽er.

4. Mold cost. The pr到區ice of the general shaped bottle n多服eeds close communication between the 黃相customer and the manufacturer, so as t外白o avoid the customer spending too much 街南money to make the desired product.

5. Glass bottle packaging materials:裡作 when customers purchase glass b喝街ottles, they will ask for external pac務謝kaging problems, so t相下hey should calculate the unit科高 price required for the packaging.

6. Other expens但關es: general cost expenses such as ma購內nagement expenses, logistics e市湖xpenses, etc. vary according to t哥照he strength of e友習ach enterprise.

The quotation of glass bottle冷關 mainly needs to sum up more expe城冷rience, understand the market路車 situation of raw m快樂aterials at the same time, of間議fer a reasonable price and gu業師arantee quality mentality to face every遠得 customer. The above quotation 行生is only a simple way, only for referen金白ce of all purch電得asing friends