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Glass bottle annealing is to elimin大樹ate and reduce stress Release time: 2020鄉照-04-27 Visited: 1309 Times

Each glass bottle must be annea金謝led. The function of annealing pro麗黑cess is to eliminate or reduce th費媽e heat stress of the glass b票信ottle to the allowable區妹 value. After annealing器上, the glass bottle is no綠女t fragile under extremely cold an新身d hot conditions.

Glass bottle ann東跳ealing is to eliminate and re笑他duce the stress. How is the通妹 stress produced? In the process of pro看會duction, glass bottle undergo又去es intense and uneven te在妹mperature change, which causes th遠錯ermal stress of glass produc南費ts. This thermal str黃放ess will reduce the strength an開文d thermal stability of glass bottle, a你分nd even cause the self rupture of glas門弟s bottle.

1、 Stress of glass bo視習ttle

The stress in glass is generally divi購女ded into three categories, namely the舊弟rmal stress, mechanica不厭l stress and structural 鄉農stress.

1. Thermal stress: in glass products, 們什the stress caused by tempe睡那rature difference is called飛姐 thermal stress, whic鐘煙h can be divided into temporary stres舊離s and permanent stress accor場兒ding to its special拿業 existence.

(1) Temporary stress: the thermal鐘大 stress produced when glass un多慢dergoes uneven temperature chang能低e below the strain point. It exis作們ts with the existence of temperature gr坐拿adient. The stress disappeared with the窗懂 disappearance of temperature gra醫我dient is called temporary s請好tress.

(2) Permanent stress畫熱: the thermal stress路鐘 generated when the glass undergoes un要車even temperature change below the 是裡strain point, which exists with t件廠he existence of t謝森emperature gradient. W要什hen the stable gradient of the 裡知glass disappears, the residual thermal 但說stress is called permanent stress作購

2. Mechanical stress:快訊 refers to the stress caused by the 老房external force in the 玩睡glass bottle. When the external 知生force is remove我要d, the mechanical stress相笑 disappears immediately.

3. Structural s這又tress: the stress 來生of glass caused by the uneven一師 chemical compositio金化n is called structu一學ral stress, which belongs t喝熱o permanent stress. The stress cause章議d by the inherent structure of glas村站s cannot be eliminated. The st雨坐one, stripe and poor homogeniza水刀tion in glass will lead to str會音uctural stress.

2、 Annealing of glass bottle

In order to eliminate the perman厭腦ent stress in the glass, it i腦資s necessary to heat the glass to吃著 a certain temperature lower th吧動an the transition te懂河mperature of the glass fo北術r heat preservatio街物n and heat sharing資秒, so as to relax the stress師窗 to eliminate the structural gradie你空nt caused by the temperature gradient 了習of each part. This 農視heat preservation and動上 heat sharing te票電mperature is called annealing stabil如看ity. The annealing of公歌 glass products is generally 那劇divided into four stage做說s.

(1) It is called heating stag音兵e to heat the gl影雨ass bottle from furnace to annealing.能票

(2) It is called the heat preser森劇vation stage tha森少t the glass bottle銀場 is kept for a ce現時rtain period of time 開到after reaching the an樂業nealing stability, s北白o as to make all parts of the冷大 glass bottle stable and 地西uniform and to elimina高外te the stress as much as possible

(3) From annealing stable slo森區w cooling to minimum annealing s下可table, it is called slow heating上鄉 stage

(4) From the lowest anneali日從ng stable cooling少討 stage to the fast cooling 站高stage at room temperature.

The glass bottle can pass the standard件那 packaging container only 音放after the annealing process, so a金秒nnealing is the es懂水sential process to produce the g一姐lass bottle.