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Discussion on glass bo兵一ttle with tinplate rotating cap Release time: 2020-04-28 Visited: 394 Time坐你s

When the glass bott劇多le is matched with t還好he unscrewing bottle 他笑cap, it is required to have河說 high temperature ster生媽ilization and strong sealing perf風睡ormance, which has strict requir低一ements on tinplate mate化笑rial, coating ad木得hesive and dropping adhesiv他兵e.

At present, our domestic tinpl厭錢ate manufacturers basi高高cally use imported tinp黃裡late, and the quality elasticity wi女很ll be very good, superior to the行線 domestic produ老老ct quality, and 暗國the price will not vary樂還 too much.

In the food bottled in glass, such as靜訊 bean curd, chili sau東個ce, honey and other products that do no西信t need high tempe雪懂rature, the low-t好草emperature glue and styrof開友oam can be used 技可as the inner dr子東op glue of the bottle cap.跳道 Because of the low 筆林density of the drop gl亮家ue material, the drop glu的煙e can be tightened 朋化immediately whe女木n rotating the cap, which h著紙as good sealing per明都formance to the b慢一ottle mouth, no leak嗎站age and oil seepage,到看 and is very popular w公麗ith food packaging manufacturers.

Food packaging, such as canned gl文看ass bottles, high-temperature steri快新lized drinks, caviar, abalone a弟風nd sea cucumber, must信山 use high-tempe西用rature gutta percha when su不費pporting the unscrewin歌紙g bottle cap When 頻去the seed is used 資來to unscrew the bott白慢le cap, due to the high density of th見要e dropper, the sur會我face of the dropper is very smooth an物票d does not need to be screwed too tight懂報ly at first. When the 文草temperature reaches 110 ℃ or above,門都 the dropper will 少匠be closed with the bottle m內工outh under high pressure to achieve 劇放the sealing effect. 和離The bottle cap of this proces農得s will be slightly mo山民re expensive than the電美 low-temperature rubber bottle cap o看黑f the same specification他吃.

There are also some foods, which do新農 not need high temper木還ature sterilizat來低ion, but have strong cor笑師rosiveness. When this 長請kind of food is packed with tinp男電late cover, the requireme山員nts for the adh東拍esive on the surface of the b街司ottle cover are very 光船strict. Because ma學都ny foods fail to be handled proper分靜ly on the packaging of the glass 能站bottle cover and the products do no少鐵t exceed the shelf life,坐司 it will be found that the bottle cov麗你er is rusty, which brings 船舞a lot of losses to the food道嗎 factory.

Generally, the unscrewing bottle m說坐outh produced by the glass bottl讀頻e factory is in line with the natio短唱nal standard. The bot資們tle cap factory can also ma為個tch the bottle cap according to the st子哥andard, but there will also b自分e problems such as nonstandard 懂醫operation and non combination of員動 matching. The experience of many m多機anufacturers is to match the b土算ottle cap according to the glass bo子說ttle mouth after making the glass關西 bottle, which will redu麗朋ce many unnecessary losses河跳