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Future development focu水紅s of glass bottle conta機資iner industry Release time: 2020-05-長還12 Visited: 366 Times

Glassware industry is a tradi從路tional industry for peop報購le's livelihood and an in什新dispensable industr文風y for the development of national 畫明economy. In recent ten黑知 years, the rapid develop都上ment of the industry has笑討 changed a lot. With the con大低tinuous improvement of the techni嗎麗cal equipment level of影店 enterprises, the i內和ndustry as a who她自le has broad prospects for在票 development, b新站ut also faces unprecedented challenges綠白. Xuzhou Huicheng glass pro快理ducts Co., Ltd.術間 glass bottle manufa笑很cturers information n動章etwork.

① Lightweight. In particular, beer 對可bottles, white wine bottles, mineral業車 water bottles and other ligh物關tweight prospects. T請中he annual output of alcohol in China is購唱 more than 70 million to自習ns, including 40 million tons 市到of beer and 30 milli船愛on tons of liquor, red工些 wine and yellow wine. European super 聽作heavy glass bottles are subject to女車 super heavy resource tax. X我快uzhou Huicheng glass pro說吃ducts Co., Ltd. provides more than 2000草好 glass bottle samples for your ch生也oice.

② Popularization. In par但鐵ticular, the development and promot花資ion of glass bottle 化做packaging containers and glass大科ware, as well as heat-resista市海nt glass products. At present,場國 it has become a fashion 北遠to use beautiful and high門術-quality heat-resistant glass tableware火跳, cookware and products in deve如也loped areas. For example, 亮懂coffee bottles, teapot人鐵s, teabowls, teacups, etc., esp呢跳ecially baby bottles, it is recomm下物ended to use heat-resistant 靜黃glass, microwave oven to heat food還裡, and it is safer to睡服 use heat-resistant glass. Using the re吃學frigerator with glass door, it is ver唱身y convenient to choose food, saving ti風資me and electricity.

③ Artistic. Promote the devel算東opment of glass bo書光ttles and glass craft場你s, especially the gift and home furnish能能ing market, wedding and tourism海東 market.

④ Functionalization. Research and dev靜習elopment of decorative glass bottle fu花去nction.

⑤ Energy saving and env男開ironmental protection. Energy sa去年ving and emission reduction, research湖家 and application of e中劇nergy-saving glass bottle kiln technol機秒ogy.

⑥ Green cycle. 木開The focus is on the recycling and時水 utilization of waste broke外去n glass, and Au在拿stralia gives reward p冷遠olicies to recy行物cled glass bottles.

⑦ Operation and management mec湖雜hanism of mechanical modernization 南亮and intelligent infor高小matization.

⑧ Internationaliza城謝tion of scale economy. A聽線ctively participate in in員匠ternational competition.