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Weight reduction plan of glass 雨光bottle Release time: 2020-05-11 Visited: 302 Times

In the early days, gl年風ass bottle was a single choi雪請ce. In recent years, great chan站通ges have taken place. The pattern of gl紅睡ass bottle domina文空ting the world has bee美舊n broken. Plastic bags, PET bottle說女s and casks have successively entered 商們the liquid condiment market.

PET bottle is simi在答lar to glass bottle in terms of scal文舞e and capacity,費麗 but it is lighter and g雪綠lossier than glas費雜s bottle, and ha答兵s a bottle cap for repeate可門d use; PE barrel gener離舞ally has a larger capac麗議ity, which is suit校鐘able for occasions with章鐵 relatively fast consumption, 中視and its repeated sealing performan笑子ce is also very good; while plast話秒ic bag provides better econ弟票omy. First, the sealing performanc請房e of glass can and tinplate cov外媽er is excellent. Compared with other s車大ealing properties such as房拿 plastic bottle cover, tinplate慢火 cover occupies a地可 great advantage in the fiel著雨d of food safety. Sec木工ond, glass cans often have large 通花bottle mouth, which is convenient for 機答filling and tra個畫nsportation. At the same time, peo裡業ple are also very conv農從enient to take out the pack什音aging materials, so it i雪線s more convenient, which is suitable雨匠 for the packaging of f金放ruits, carrion and other massive mate吧飛rials.

On the one hand, it saves a窗紙 lot of raw materials, which means the暗房 cost reduction文愛 for a glass bottle manuf制哥acturer. On the other hand, with the草路 decrease of glass bottle weight, t區火he logistics cos技筆t in the transportation process will樹理 also be greatly saved. The appearanc新這e of glass can is often bulky,志遠 but now we pay a服道ttention to lightweight pa這現ckaging, we can see o們船n the shelves of shopping malls師弟 that glass can packagin河行g still occupies習黃 a large market share, which is in短山separable from some 城一advantages of glass can 靜樂packaging itself.

The weight of th費關e word "ecology&quo線大t; is equal to the tota舞刀l weight of all glass bot但樹tles. One way to save energy大國 is to increase the amou算又nt of broken glass. The amo來山unt of broken glass in foreign coun草事tries reaches 60% - 70%. The best w小會ay is to use 100% broken glass to ach東還ieve the goal of熱開 "ecological" glass prod女銀uction. At present, the method common北街ly adopted in developed ar熱船eas is to select mu高高lti group and multi drop m跳南olding machines. For examp亮房le, the machine speed厭爸 of 12 sets of do舞懂uble drop row bottle maki林自ng machines produced錢身 abroad can exceed視男 240 / min, which is more than 4關女 times higher than that of 6 s呢樹ets of single drop molding作些 machines commonly used in街訊 China.

The whole production pro答鄉cess is timely controlled 討船by computer, which can ensure the b微舊etter forming conditions, high q現玩uality products, more stabl區靜e and reliable operat白林ion, and very l票他ow scrap rate. The large kiln mat門中ching with the high-speed molding m雜男achine must have the ability to sup業風ply a large amount of high-qua冷火lity glass liquid stably, and the te煙又mperature and v白在iscosity of the mate路西rial drop must m章舞eet the requirements of 爸答better molding conditions.

Therefore, the ingredients of raw相答 materials must be very stable湖問. Most of the refined standardi商信zed raw materials used by glas下頻s bottle manufacturers in developed cou銀對ntries are provid就裡ed by specialized raw material 玩媽manufacturers. In ord做內er to ensure the melting quality, t道雜he thermal parameters of the fu女高rnace should be controlle遠離d by digital co森來ntrol system.

With the development of technology, in北藍 recent years, plastic cans化房 and other packaging ma東公terials with lower cost appea有舞r, which challenges the packaging of gl快服ass cans. The two aspec近微ts of weight reduction and小頻 cost reduction need to be paid att兒行ention to in th吃身e future.