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How to guarantee the quality of glass 暗嗎bottle in productio司大n Release time: 2020-05-22 Visited: 340 Ti兒公mes

The surface quality of the p媽信rimary glass bottle: 務線it can be divided into material co文笑lor, finish, transparency, 少街etc.; the top element is the mat鐵木erial color of the glass bottle, which關樹 can be divided into thr商微ee levels according to the如慢 regional specifica這那tions: pure white material, high white 路火material and common whi坐吧te material; the same materia城司l color is the glass bottle&#身開39;s finish and transparency, and服開 the good bottle appeara票空nce should be free of impurities, bub拿資bles, cold spots, stickin請現g, wrinkle free skin, putty, etc你少.

It should also be一靜 noted that the 信花"double seam" of the bot話木tle body is not st身間rict with the qua是些lity requirements of a 商化single glass bottle manufactur樂靜er, which often 草從presents the phenomeno亮能n of large seam line and doub音內le seam line; finally, when loo媽來king straight at the bottle body, 都信the clarity and permeability of the la算朋rge mouth glass 做村bottle are better, and the small mou體物th glass bottle cann什家ot have the particul雜兒arly significant halo wave pattern.

Secondly, the connotative quality of高煙 glass bottle: 新花in this way, there are many subdiv科我isions, such as the 離鐘strength of glass bottle, t對站he temperature differen木作ce between quick cooling雜微 and quick heating, the strai樂湖ghtness of bottle bo件火dy, the thickness謝哥 of bottle body, no defo志近rmation of bottle body, crooked 技分neck, the flatness and roundne兒愛ss of bottle mouth, 慢多no cold line fried mouth, full sil歌術k line, no broken wire of Piri drum,費森 no diaminoma in b資信ottle mouth, etc. Th火好e most common defects of Xuzhou 討相glass bottle manufacturer飛秒s are the follo會錢wing --- small mouth bottl都嗎e with crooked neck, sma高煙ll mouth flat bottle 和間with shaking bo要綠dy, large mouth bottle wi關服th wire drum, etc.

As a result, the crooke動跳d neck of small mouth bottle affects t訊可he appearance, so i視刀t can't be filled by machine, and i身來t can't be seal作腦ed by machine; the r對如eason is that the mold 城風elements, the production m子舞achine speed is fast, the bottle cla聽明mp is not matched, 媽小and so on; the shakin慢如g of small mouth年件 flat bottle is mostly caused by 好外the failure to handle the anti-skid 計謝line at the bottom of the m飛工old, as well as the punch mark 亮匠deviation, and the machine s吃化peed is fast, a錢東nd the shape is good; the res到多ult of large mou雜的th bottle's w筆分ire bulge is that the wire patte會讀rn becomes thick an音路d it can't be sealed, and the r腦遠eason is the large男文 mouth mold Poor heat dissipat報相ion or shallow air head fo小湖rmation.