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Glass bottle recycling子錢 helps steady develo間物pment of enterprises家吧 Release time: 2020-05-25 Visited: 332 Tim少通es

According to th答和e glass bottle packag銀用ing Association: the energ如子y saved by recycling a gla店通ss bottle can ma下也ke a 100 watt bulb light up for four h老雪ours, can let a computer run for 熱哥30 minutes, and can wat新光ch 20 minutes of TV pro匠月grams, so recycling a glass bottle討一 is a significan制風t thing.

For the packaging of glass bottles, 舞也the most urgent thing近做 at present is to achieve道坐 a breakthrough in market share, and th市商e key problem is to自美 realize the wei樹的ght reduction and lightweight o店子f glass bottles, mainly because 黑北the glass bottles are generally too h農資eavy and need a large number of有地 glass packaging materia房呢ls. In developed countries such as 時大Europe, America and Japan, lightwe說們ight bottles are the leading prod暗但ucts of glass bottles.相日

With the development of grid technology那站 and network system i務服n every aspect of o商城ur life, there is no要明 doubt that they ha市些ve influenced our choice of matter subc海個onsciously. As a r老嗎esult, geometry, refinement and creat視姐ivity will become the trend. I聽自n practice, the trend of錯弟 packaging design商妹 in 2015 can be understood as場兵 three-dimensional, solid color, sharp去電 edges and corner些器s, innovative packaging form樂線s and architectural mode空草ling and structure.

The packaging requirements of glas舞影s bottles are not a可弟chieved overnigh業去t, and they are not expected t廠個o achieve something. The packaging 內長requirements of g還白lass bottles will not return t日習o the mainstrea數村m in all packagi如又ng fields.

Self subtraction of glass bottle p頻習ackaging

At present, ente中煙rprises in the beer industry g愛小enerally adjust the product structure會但, especially in the glass bottle pa嗎歌ckaging share.

It is understood that 時草after Carlsberg became the內女 actual controller of Cho作林ngqing beer, it h和大as continuously stre要鄉ngthened the integration in the fi家什elds of production, purchase, sales, ma日通rketing and finance. Since the be高說ginning of 2014, the comp影輛any has determin但明ed the optimization plan腦綠 for the beer b喝志ottle type and tot但跳al amount of the company, i.e. graduall分件y simplifying the glass bot窗熱tle packaging of the company, gra高著dually simplifying the glass bot船西tle packaging of the compa林少ny in the next few years, and 理麗finally using only four kinds 中事of glass bottles nationwide.

Relevant data shows tha有紙t as of January 1, 2014, about 7為時0% of the company&#如學39;s glass bottles are non fut購月ure bottle types. According to the glas藍科s bottle adjustment 電大plan, the company will stop purc說木hasing non future bottle筆土 types, let them be eliminated natural窗訊ly in the next year, and行內 completely force them to b電吃e eliminated by 2農輛020 at the latest. As a re下厭sult, these non future 藍金bottles showed signs of impa他女irment in 2014. Accordin林個g to the releva是黃nt provisions of the accounting s說制tandards, the 36 types o白一f glass bottles determined to be o國數ut of use in 2014 an多西d the bottle types whose turnove影但r rate is far lowe村業r than the norma關金l level are included in the impai事紅rment calculation in full in the yea多件r, and the bottle types gradually d冷什elisted from 2015 to 202是兒0 are included in the impairment c購路alculation according to the estimated計呢 elimination progress.

Glass bottle packaging abroad

Analysis of the four devel房煙opment trends of glass packaging i去短ndustry in the futu路現re. In order to compete with p近草aper containers, plastic bott知白les and other packaging materials and c算媽ontainers, glass p能唱ackaging industry i草房n developed countries has b如村een committed to making事問 the product quality件靜 more reliable, a笑窗ppearance more beaut草器iful, cost less and price cheaper.

Another way to save energy外師 by adopting advanced energy savi黑商ng technology, improv紅哥ing melting quality and prolo了業nging furnace is to inc場和rease the amount of b電數roken glass, which rea子從ches 60% - 70% in foreign countries.校不 The best way is to use 1白說00% broken glass to achieve東著 the goal of "ecological"事友; glass production.做家

How to improve the forming speed of下員 glass bottle is 要笑the key to improve the produ購件ctivity of glass 術機bottle manufacturing. A錯照t present, the common method adopted家熱 by developed co開在untries is to select mult數好i group and mult國店i drop molding machine. The large房物 kiln matching 雪場with the high-sp你近eed molding machine m些弟ust have the ability to supply a 跳區large amount of high-q算近uality glass liquid stably, an要唱d the temperature and viscosity of the 到技material drop must meet the requ員什irements of the best molding 日得conditions. Therefore, 子商the ingredients of raw 飛唱materials must be very st照行able. Most of the refined standar聽朋dized raw materials used 劇南by glass bottle manufacturer術數s in developed countries are pr有子ovided by special票空ized raw material manufacturers. In o好窗rder to ensure the melting q術章uality, the digital control s年照ystem should be used to realize t刀學he optimal control of the 森呢whole process.