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It is very important to develo器樂p the function of glass bottle pack林不aging Release time: 2020-05-29 Visited: 349 Tim厭火es

Glass bottle packaging i服睡s very popular a理路nd has become a ma計歌rket trend recently. However, the glass民妹 bottle packaging is lack in many 報為functional development. Basi通農cally, the glass 玩紙bottle packaging is 藍相still at the stage of traditio讀一nal containers. In t筆年erms of functional development, p什這lastic bottle pa大靜ckaging and other packaging 也你materials are advancing r頻校apidly.

In fact, many products have par從長ticularity in p離黃ackaging requireme日了nts, especially 區一with the developmen小影t of technology, some new 很人products have been separated from the花睡 original basic needs醫能, and need some special functiona章看l item matching醫暗. For example, vacuum plastic b多動ottle can extend the草聽 validity of food and make f分輛ood cleaner. Another example飛這 is the spray head他就 of plastic bottle, because it can spr湖票ay the liquid evenly in t話河he bottle, it i嗎呢s widely used in the field of c上歌osmetics and drugs. Due to th他民e lack of functi業土onality of glass bottle packa如老ging, in many fields, 廠舞users can only choose other packagi刀從ng materials and lose many market co少刀mpetition opportuniti銀兒es.