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There are many kinds道喝 of glass bottle 嗎司packaging containers Release time: 2020-土紙05-28 Visited: 662 Times

Classification acco金中rding to the size of gl喝內ass bottle mouth

① Small mouthed bottle. I好訊t is a glass bottle with an inner d費學iameter of less 都視than 20 mm. It is mainly u兒道sed for packing liquid materials, suc船書h as soda, beer, etc.

② Flasks. The glass 下中bottle with an inner d短的iameter of 20-30著爸mm has a relatively西農 thick and short shape, s秒長uch as a milk bottle.

③ Wide mouth bottle. It 麗飛is also called a照章 can head bottle. The inner diameter o唱男f the bottle mouth is more近紅 than 30mm. Its neck and s煙事houlder are relatively short, and the b房在ottle shoulder is relatively flat, 有畫mostly in the shape吃美 of a can or a cup. Because the 有多bottle mouth is large, it is e城樂asy to load and discharge短日. It is mainly used for 那水packaging canned 討秒food and viscous m聽遠aterials.

Classification by bottle物水 geometry

① Round glass bottle. The section o房玩f the bottle body is round, wh樹計ich is the most widely used bottle type海線 with high strength.

② Square glass bottle.是廠 The cross section o她坐f the bottle body is square. The stre鐘風ngth of this kind of b月匠ottle is lower 都妹than that of the round bottle火放, and it is difficult to manuf少麗acture, so it is seldo師木m used.

③ Curved glass bottle. Although the間場 section is round煙朋, it is curved in the height d聽黃irection. There are two kinds of co場輛ncave and convex, such as flower bott白雜le type and gourd type. The form is n術錢ovel and popula門行r with users.

④ Oval glass bottle. The 用購section is ellipse, although the capaci也醫ty is small, but the shape is uniqu長吧e, the user also likes it very much.

Classification by use

① Glass bottles for 那樹wine. Wine production is very large, a船近lmost all of them are packed in glas能身s bottles, mainly round自裡 bottles.

② Glass bottles for daily use. It 對嗎is usually used to pack all習弟 kinds of small commodi報兒ties for daily 問短use, such as cosmetics,學討 ink, glue, etc. because t拍就here are many kinds of commodities, 筆有the bottle shape and seal are a南好lso diverse.

③ Jars. There are many ki個也nds of canned fo哥你od, and the output is lar嗎購ge, so it is self-co他藍ntained. Multi purpose 短影wide mouth bottle with a capac內日ity of 0.2-0.5l

④ Medicine bottle友來. This is a glass bottle u理暗sed to pack medicine. There are 10-200火學ml Brown grommet vials, 100-10刀音00ml infusion bottles, 歌慢completely sealed ampoules, etc.

⑤ Bottles for che線船mical reagents.路讀 It is used to pack al輛兵l kinds of chemical reagents with a cap的又acity of 250-1200ml, and the bottl很是e mouth is mostly screwed or g為作round.

Classification by color

There are colorless transparent bot她裡tles, white bott店購les, brown bottles, 城弟green bottles an草分d blue bottles.

Classification 鐘人by bottleneck shape

There are neck bottle, n船舞eck less bottle, long neck bottle, 志秒short neck bottle, thick neck用多 bottle and small neck bottle, etc.

Summary: Nowadays, the who問玩le packaging industry is in the stag術音e of transformation and upgradin做個g. As one of the market segmen低行ts, the transformation of glass pa快時ckaging industry is also imminen道制t. Although pape聽關r packaging is more popular and 吃月has a certain impact on glass packagi雜區ng in the face 關歌of the environm車中ental protection trend, there is sti高計ll a broad development space f鄉科or glass bottle packaging. In or影資der to occupy a place購見 in the future mark厭就et, glass packaging still 事開needs to develop to lightwei志綠ght and environmen和說tal protection.