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玻璃瓶生産廠家​如何應對(duì)藥用玻璃瓶市場挑戰 Release time: 2020-06-06 Visited: 335 Ti為章mes

How to deal with th河從e challenge of pharmaceutical 窗鐘glass bottle Market

Medical glass bottles have bee通風n formed and contro那報lled. There are many kinds of b時電ottles with compl空長ete specifications. The笑你 packaging desig鄉姐n is increasingly rich and rat行聽ional. But glass bottles are fra章明gile. No one can guarantee the breakag火妹e rate. In the tra生分nsportation management proce錯藍ss of the company, the breakage ra黑議te may also be very larg體相e when they are used. Because of these 微區different social reasons, it is no河日t clean to clean up喝海 the broken glass bottles. Some o技化f them are very high waste of medical g司東lass bottles Student車鄉s even go to the Chine鄉風se market, which causes th路爸e serious impact林會 of health education pollu林年tion on consumers, seem技答s to solve the very freque舊答nt complaints of consumers through t答樹he analysis of su國唱ch safety accidents.

In addition, the chemica火雨l structure of pharmaceutica藍和l glass bottle has high stabi歌村lity, so in the 遠如pharmaceutical packaging ma化器rket, the price of pharmaceutica新化l glass bottle is also relatively笑跳 expensive. The glass bo做服ttle is fragile, but the med技唱ical glass mold can be 中低customized according朋懂 to the customer's needs, a要討llowing the customer to approve the med愛雨ical glass packaging, so that our白間 medical glass bottle can快房 meet the market影校 demand, constantly devel些厭op new bottles, accordin制還g to the continuous improve坐機ment of production ref資村lected by the customer, design new西海 models to attra弟近ct the customer's eyes. 讀亮Drug packaging des還謝ign materials are packaging co爸鄉ntainers that directly contact北山 with drugs. Packaging materials and dr男亮ugs should have a good compatibil錯都ity to ensure the chemical reacti放人on of certain sub校也stances in enterprises, which 見北leads to drug varia車還tion and failure in China. This requir什黑es that we should p拿土ay attention to the quality of體器 pharmaceutical glass bottles and produ關紙ce high-quality pharmaceutic店中al glass bottles.