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Why are glass bottles 厭劇so popular? Release time: 2020-不是06-07 Visited: 325 Times

Sodium calcium gla們線ss bottle is made通熱 of medical sodium cal在媽cium glass. It h木大as good chemical stability, acid r拍黑esistance, alkali resi懂近stance and corrosion resistance.哥機 It can be used in 家技various pharmaceutica短通l packaging containers. Sod火水a lime glass bottl為線e has stable mech愛鐵anical properti制呢es, which can bear both the pressure in訊舞 the bottle and the externa東討l force in the process of transpor美黃tation. It has made great progress in雜書 the aspect of damage 靜服prevention.

Glass bottles are used as containers fo短慢r medicine, food and health product票一s. Sodium calcium glass bottle is 少線made of pure raw materials. It is eas舞火y to make and has a variety of s拍票hapes. Why is sodium 飛學calcium glass bottle so popular.

Different specifications conta拍間in different capacities, which can 身女meet the needs of cust離空omers for different capacities吧對 of products. Different capaci熱遠ties are equipp拍呢ed with different mo制動dels of lids, and the cl懂鐵assification of lids is also various. I照有t can be equipped with aluminum cov問女er, electrochemical aluminum cover,妹要 plastic cover of various colors, but學路yl gasket, silica gel 資煙gasket, PE gasket, etc.

The capacity of so輛行da lime glass bottle is also quite西著 complete. Customers can choos通空e according to the capaci暗風ty of the products they need, 議弟and can also make to 老少order production according to custom司視ers' requirements. In t水煙erms of quality, strictly follow cu農計stomers' requirements and tr我嗎y their best to meet customers&#區說39; requirements.