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Analysis of spray tech街員nology of glass wine bottle Release time: 2020-06-18 Visited: 770 Times

From the material of glass win刀明e bottle production吃裡, the design and producti森照on of modern wine bottle boldly use al劇信l kinds of modern new ma這舞terials, from the traditiona議就l wood, ceramic to today's metal,務廠 glass, plastic, stainless steel an窗會d other new materi老子als, all kinds of wine bottles show th是家eir own characteristics and sty麗來les. Some are gorgeous and prec河計ious, some are solemn and generous, 男她and some are light. Like a gilded seven自美 story pagoda bottle. Copper plated 土市Guizhou Laojiao cannon bo裡會ttle. In Guizhou an購妹d Guangxi, the special loc金雪al resources of ox hor歌筆n and bamboo are used to make vario子術us characteristic wine bottl那著es. Among the 18 monster討長s in Yunnan Province, the bot湖說tle of pipe and wine sold wi街靜th pipe as wine is favo但習red. Looking at all the m車姐aterials, glass bottle 河子is still the most main光裡stream material. H些錯ere is the spraying proce視場ss of the lower glass bottle. 1.照內 Concept brief so-called spray technolo器們gy: in order to enhance th那北e artistic appeal of g對懂lass bottles, spray colo看用r on the glass bottles according to t一喝he relevant needs. With the progress o到都f technology, spray te能通chnology is more and m舞很ore used by liquor manufac物用turers. At the sam也師e time, spray techniques短藍 are also diversifi市能ed. Single color, multi-color, g車朋radient color can be sprayed, a紙但nd the position can車也 be sprayed all, part and 玩著so on. 2. Firstly, 男農the process of gl森老ass bottle producti近校on is briefly summarized, includin愛為g: ① raw material pre-processing. Th也機e massive raw materials (qu做個artz sand, soda ash, limest湖公one, feldspar, etc.) 舞場are crushed to dry the w舊區et raw materials. The ir厭體on containing raw materials a子兵re removed to en北街sure the quality of glass. ② Batch pr玩票eparation. ③ Fu北花sion. The glass mixtu錯唱re is heated at hig放刀h temperature (1550-技城1600 ℃) in the tank furn唱綠ace or pool furnace t刀問o form a liquid glass which話國 is uniform, bubble飛那 free and meets the forming requireme相白nts. ④ Forming. Put th風學e liquid glass 裡河into the mold to make t秒喝he required shap愛睡e of glass prod現放ucts, such as flat plates, v雪內arious utensils, etc. ⑤習章 Heat treatment. Through 個在annealing, quenching and 如麗other processes, it can elimina多煙te or produce the in什化ternal stress, phase separation or crys道自tallization of the glass, and cha新有nge the structural s子錢tate of the glass. The spray produc下但tion line of glass bottle generally co明南nsists of spray room, suspension chain近姐 and oven. The 媽報glass bottle also has the front water低子 treatment. The s劇行pecial attention of件技 the glass bottle is the sewa對看ge discharge. As for the spray志睡ing quality of glass bottles, it is高吧 related to water treatm厭相ent, surface cleaning of workp科亮ieces, conductivity呢到 of hooks, air v河些olume, powder spraying and 相對the level of operators. (1) The p知子retreatment section of glass bottle spr就路aying includes pre stripping, main str制事ipping and surface adjustment. If線少 it is in the north, 算年the temperature of 業動the main stripping part should 姐商not be too low, so it needs heat p土文reservation, otherwise the村要 treatment effect is 遠窗not ideal; (2) preheating s月就ection After pre-treatment, it is 的暗required to enter the 分訊preheating section, which器用 generally takes 8-10 minutes. When 得如the glass bottle re到學aches the powder room, it錯藍 is better to make the 對林sprayed workpiece have som不購e residual heat, so as to increase嗎化 the adhesion of the pow街唱der foam; (3) the glass b文議ottle soot blowing purification s男錢ection If the process requ懂數irements of the sprayed workpiec物現e are relatively high從上, this section is essential. Otherwi土資se, if there is a lot of dust adsorbed 讀行on the workpiece, there煙問 will be a lot of書村 particles on the su路外rface of the processed wor制公kpiece, which will 區劇reduce the quality. (器如4) the most important part of the兵照 powder spraying sect金來ion is the technical pr學制oblem of the powder spra大為ying master. If you want to crea熱飛te good quality, it is worthwhile 又又to pay a skilled master. (5) drying 見要section The temperature and我他 baking time sho舞校uld be paid attention to i友木n this section. Generally, 180-20離讀0 ℃ is better for the powder, 我低and the material 照民of the workpiece should be cons好行idered. There is also drying furnace 對靜from the powder還看 room should not be too far, generally 山睡6 meters is good. There are 森關many contents of wine西花 packaging materials, such as bot鄉日tle cap, bottle ring, loc到照k and so on, which can be in開數troduced to you. Because 章行the content is too much and too wide, 件制it will not be explained here西村 one by one. Interested friends can go 劇人to some manufacturers to see in紙腦 person how the whole product腦花ion process of pack物新aging materials 時子is done.