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Glass bottle is the b們外est container for daily co們舞smetics Release time: 2020-06-15 Visited: 441 Times

Glass containers processed on男話 the basis of glass are widely u理友sed in the field o線唱f daily chemical industry身子. Because of its 內間high transparenc綠服y and good handle, t不些hey are deeply loved by users. Th能讀e quality of glass b女船ottles directly 她化determines the grade of produ火空cts. For example, in the站少 fragrance market, the mai訊請n material of perfume bo愛輛ttles is crystal 術笑white glass, and the most c笑紙ommon daily chemical glass in如筆 the market is high white 山快material. Charac都子teristics of glass products: good pe內影rspectivity, light 這答transmittance, simpl低機e manufacturing process, 花如free and variable mode看上ling, high hardness, hea房兵t-resistant, clean, easy to cl就議ean, low tensile strength.

Cosmetics used for glass containe為得rs are mainly high white m刀和aterials, and high體做-grade products also u習時se crystal white materials, s計算uch as water bottles城金. Glass is formed through deep proce你木ssing, cream, cre呢近am, essence, toner, es工了sential oil bott裡靜le and so on.

The main processing 道線methods of glass bottle are vario懂跳us, including manual blowing,作拿 mechanical blowing, extrusion mo商熱lding, drawing, etc. Amon信船g them, the high黃照 white glass is basically prod資白uced by row and column machines in匠也 China, while the crystal white個舞 glass is mostly pr銀厭oduced by manual紅市 machines.

Glass bottles a能師re divided into ordinary white materia女錯l, high white material 舊事and crystal white material. Diff用間erent material c你身olors can directly affect the tra得坐nsparency and brittleness of glass pro科朋ducts. The better the raw西長 materials are, t站知he better the quality of 道書glass products is, and the diffe見著rent material colors have di學農fferent prices. The most common還空 glass bottle with ordinary whit見是e material is used in the車中 production of recycled materials (comm畫公only known as broken glass). The f少玩ormula price of 關喝high white material and c離我rystal white material 讀身is far higher than that of ordinary 唱喝white material.資票 High whiteness glass needs to林討 choose the fine material and quartz 這議sand with less impuritie問唱s and high densit坐聽y, while the cr議師ystal white material 科民is basically mad近但e of quartz stone as t雜樂he main material, si身錯lica as the auxiliar短湖y material, and then processed人村.

The glass bottle is mad厭內e of quartz sand, soda ash, feldspar水業 and limestone. Some auxiliary 秒高materials, including cl裡草arifiers, fluxes, opa花自cifiers, colorants, decoloriz水務ers, oxidizers and reducers, need to b少嗎e incorporated into th能化e glass products for molding. Af家線ter mixing, high-te熱習mperature melting and homog老師enization, it is processe購線d and formed, and then annealed. A喝謝fter the glass products are consumed b暗商y the market, they can be r和自ecycled for further p友小rocessing and then r我山eused