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75 degrees warmth Release time: 2020-02-10 Visited: 322 Times


The epidemic is urgent! Me間愛dical alcohol that can be used 訊現for disinfection has not f術器allen into place!

In the Pengqiao Town Headquarters o輛慢f Dengzhou, Henan Prov現坐ince, Zeng Wei, the health platoon 下秒leader of Peng Qiao, the "理員;outside Lei Fe慢月ng regiment," was師靜 anxious.

Helplessly, he sent a message for h紅作elp in the WeCha舊關t group, hoping that enthusiastic peop路黃le could help.

After a few moments, Che湖件n Hong, a villager of H兵我uzhou Village in Liuji Town, ret還外urned a message: "Zeng說些 Pai, there are still som能這e pure grain liquor in th生街e house. Can it be sterili麗低zed after warming? If it is, send it飛討 immediately!"

This call made Z放明eng Wei feel warm, but he still decli秒鐵ned Chen Hong's kindne議話ss: "Xunzi, p村大ure grain liquor is not enough. O著鐵nly 75 degrees alcohol c妹雨an kill the virus 花金..."

The phone is silent. Chief Z愛現eng also continued to gr外月ind in the room.


Dengzhou is close to Hubei, 大時and many folks work in Wuhan all y答請ear round. Look, ye東國ars have passed, and店這 a group of migrant workers retu書業rned home with a heavy harv舊來est.

According to the ar視海rangement of superiors, in order了唱 to pass the festival safely, mor通民e than 80 returnees from Pengqia影子o Township in Wuhan urge愛長ntly need isolation and inspe作綠ction. But now, medical alcohol can'業店;t be bought everywh見術ere ...

The couple Zhou Tailin and Chen Hong老冷 are ordinary villa懂話gers in Huzhou Village, Liuji Town見大, Dengzhou City. The couple run a rice 跳個winery with good sal工飛es and a beautiful也家 life.

Seeing that the epidemic situat鄉那ion is tight on 姐國TV, the two have b兵匠een trying to help. Now th司兵at I finally have a chance, I di熱個dn't expect ...

I put down the phone of信月 Zeng Pai, Chen Hong was a litt報事le lost, and the food w你制as not good. She telephoned her wi服歌fe Zhou Tailin who had returned to訊爸 the factory in advance. Zhou Ta美那ilin reminded her: "What is火市 the use of anxiety? Our fac窗器tory has a set of distillation eq和雨uipment that can pur樂暗ify the wine into alcohol.&quo生器t;

"Ah, here?" Chen北這 Hong suddenly 校鐵came alive, and immediately informed資資 Zeng Paimin of his wife's thoug草術hts. "Yes! Lao木你 Zhou's method, Medium! R頻些eally! As long as the alcohol co遠生ncentration reaches 75 degrees, you我金 can kill the virus." Zeng Paicha舞文ng is a village do低志ctor and knows much錢事 more.

  "How much do you nee子街d?"

"About 300 pounds人多!"

"Medium! We produce ov知內ernight."


The workers and masters in th喝爸e factory were all going hom去姐e for the Chinese New Y家靜ear, and the equipment had been s人又ealed early. Zhou Tailin and Chen Hong鐘紅 put their hands o白化n each other and laboriously吧腦 lifted the boiler of nearly two hu拍車ndred pounds to a fixed position, supp到他orting it carefully. 中司Then, they checked t行嗎he pipes again ... With a flash 匠山of effort, the sky was bright.

At 5 o'clock in the mor好工ning, every fam志這ily in the village sle我森pt soundly, and the sou身有nd of boiling water妹術 in the stove in Zhou's factory bu如這ilding rang. The couple dressed in跳知 work clothes, poured white wi門書ne into the boile靜睡r for distillation, and blin務麗ked their eyes at the師數 change of scale—puri那不fication of alcohol can not be a 報頻bit sloppy. It is necessary to en煙火sure the safety of productio輛船n and to comply wi動哥th the extracted alcohol. Medical &q西一uot;75 degrees" standard.

Until about 3 pm, 300 kg of alcohol 又對was finally purified. Chen Hong and 習器Zhou Tailin both paralyzed and sat on 森黑the ground.

When sending al多在cohol, Zeng Wei公錯 “arranged” a n什笑ew task: Many units in th科紙e city lack medica事在l alcohol!

The husband and wife were吃歌 busy again, from the evenin匠坐g of January 30 to the af科拿ternoon of February 器科5 for six days and nights in a ro司著w, the two chang自上ed jobs.

Purifying alcohol from wine is a呢村 waste of raw materials.城還 4 kg of finished wine, alm中化ost only 1 kg o兒兵f alcohol can be distilled高為. There was not吧空 much white wine in友坐 the factory, and they ra年秒n out quickly. They took out腦熱 the yellow wine in the store 的生and steamed it.

A few days late海間r, Zhou Tailin and Chen 男那Hong purified a total of mor動公e than 1,300 kilogr筆湖ams of alcohol and used one t間微on of white wine and two tons of rice 房呢wine.

"Lao Zhou, 錢費you can solve the urg間她ent need of eve日多ryone! Purify alcohol, I u書動nderstand-you pour術朋 in more, raise less, you can lose現風 a lot!" Zeng Wei wa關美s a little bit sad.

"Old Zeng, you can see this!區城 Isn't it s計電aid on TV that the epidemic is an or通妹der! Wine can be brewed again煙了, money can be earned 也下again, life-saving is the 做章most important thing."遠紅; The couple said in the器睡ir mouths, their hands were still b身要usy. .