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Difference between frosted g北志lass bottle and sandblasted美去 glass bottle Release time: 2020-02-25用門 Visited: 2089 Times


1.Frosting process

Frosting refers了身 to immersing a glass bottle in a prepared acidic liquid (or app低亮lying an acid-co問村ntaining paste) 道站to etch the surface of兒資 the glass bottle with a strong acid, and生外 at the same time妹厭 ammonia hydrogen fluoride i通機n a strong acid solut笑山ion causes cryst我行als to form on the glass 了錢surface. Therefore, if 志和the frosting process is done 對你well, the frosted glass surface 銀頻is abnormally smooth, and the 是船haze effect is produced by th遠問e scattering of crysta資服ls. If the surface is relatively r木動ough, it means that答林 the acid erodes th討電e glass more seriously, which belong的多s to the immature performance of 匠湖the frosted master. Or s話習ome parts still have no crystal和嗎s (commonly known as no sand, or th時日e glass has speckles) also belon從船g to the master craftsmanship. Th黃有is process technol國下ogy is difficult. This p金月rocess is best manifested as 要醫shiny crystals appe森嗎aring on the glass surface, w店我hich is formed under a critica錯機l condition, the mai雪少n reason is tha劇聽t ammonia hydrogen fl草業uoride has reached the end農吧 of consumption.

2.Sandblasting process

This process is very common. 光花It hits the surfa可視ce of the glass舊飛 bottle with sand particles 員你emitted by the spray gu做鄉n at high speed, so that th訊用e glass bottle 我綠forms a fine concave and con湖影vex surface, so as吃有 to achieve the effect of scatte車醫ring light and making the light 也亮feel hazy. The surface of the sandblast城對ed glass product i音暗s relatively rough. Because t家離he glass surface is dam兒吃aged, it seems that唱為 the originally transparent glass靜聽 is white glass. The cr報身aft is difficult.

3. Difference

The two processe藍爸s are completely different proc我睡esses. Frosted glass bottles are技店 more expensive than sandblasted glass大什 bottles, and th什事e effect is mai影票nly due to user needs. Some u兵謝nique glass bottles are also unsuitab謝筆le for frosting. From the perspective o讀城f pursuing nobility, f都是rosted sand should 謝站be used. The sand blasting process c高綠an generally be co司說mpleted in factories, b地見ut the frosting process is not easy to 吧文really do well.

Frosted glass bottl什鐵es are produced with 西慢a sandy feel and strong texture, bu從低t with limited pat熱子terns; sandblasted glass bottles森少 are engraved with a mol對秒d and then sprayed out according t湖討o requirements. Thi離分s way, whatever graphics you want can風音 be frosted and spra月們yed now. The surface particle size of 校花the sand should be more d近麗elicate.