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The ratio of capacity to body weight物些 of glass bottle during production Release time: 2拍還020-04-12 Visited: 568 Times

In the process of produ小中cing glass bottles, there are often v去謝arious defects (defective products)南愛, such as the capacity and歌術 the weight of the bottle bo長刀dy. Under normal circumstances, there動慢 is a certain proportion 對區of the capacity and weight of the gl媽農ass bottle. If it exceeds the呢為 normal proportion新報, there will be 樂鐵production difficulties and product de森書fects. Today's information is信些 briefly introduced, hopi水拿ng to help you to some extent 。 For又年 a product with a capacity of 100ml, 數雪a normal bottle weight作些 of 150g is normal. Many purchasers w術飛ant the thickness of the bot拿街tom of the bottle to increase算城 the capacity of the bottle body and k技她eep the same. T山小he order of 200g藍見 bottle is not large, which 謝間often causes troubles t爸民o the glass bottle manufacturer, but s子票ome situations are not allowed, such as畫要 easy to come out店行 in production The current defecti要我ve product. 【1】 Stick the 日刀bottle. It is the connection of 厭店two glass bottles tha木近t causes the bottle飛畫 body to be unsmooth,多河 and the wall thickness cau河房ses the cooling not to be i裡視n place. 【2】 The botto空呢m of the bottle cave離來d in. Poor cooling of the bottom o多飛f glass bottle cau物我ses deformation of the bottom of the b冷些ottle. The solution of the above t弟鐘wo kinds of defective products is t雨南o reduce the machine speed, which di黑相rectly affects the production qua河的ntity. The glass bottle f藍議actory suggests that th土裡e speed of the machine should be adju雪高sted to the best conditio能裡n when producing this女間 special product. If the purchase v照冷olume is large, the whole 他問machine should be produced a很電s much as possible. This is benefi話呢cial for the bottle maker to adjust 票的the machine so that t南讀he quality of the product can be 身務greatly improved and the product個草ion volume can be improved. Thi著熱s information is not onl是森y a little experience accu路靜mulated at ordinary times. I hope y中見ou like it. Manufacturer's外請 contact number: 0516-85067350電電