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How is the glass 爸間bottle formed? Glass bottle prod議看uction process Release time: 2020-04-29 Visited: 1146 Ti紅看mes

Glass has been 做劇widely used in modern times, and has坐文 always been a product with large marke又就t demand. Through the use of 舞刀specific treatment metho藍冷ds, we can not 影師only give full play to 唱草the characterist用村ics of glass, but also mak拍舊e up for its defects, no long器一er subject to the natural properties討年 of glass. For example, the laminat新志ed glass can not o志飛nly insulate heat, but also the技討 debris will not s那海plash and hurt people, which is sa說慢fe and reliable我年. Next, we will introduce the pr少家oduction process of glass bottle conta筆得iner and how the glass bottle is森輛 formed in batches.

1、 Production process of見那 glass bottle container

The production process of glass bottle頻理 mainly includes:

① Raw material pre-processin低在g. The massive raw materials技微 (quartz sand, soda ash, limest刀看one, feldspar, etc.見議) are crushed to 輛謝dry the wet raw materials. The 要村iron containing raw materials are 讀鄉removed to ensure 票靜the quality of glass.制算

② Batch preparation.

③ Fusion. The glass mixture is 海費heated at high temperat海影ure (1550 ~ 1600 ℃) in the 什上tank furnace or po黃人ol furnace to form a l站玩iquid glass which is uniform黑請, bubble free and meets the分腦 forming requirements.

④ Forming. Put the liquid gla子姐ss into the mold to make the requ相少ired shape of glass produ器跳cts, such as flat plates, vario場資us utensils, etc.

⑤ Heat treatment. Through annealing,市數 quenching and other pro爸這cesses, it can eliminate or produce聽暗 the internal stress什媽, phase separation得刀 or crystallization of the glass, and多妹 change the structural stat要多e of the glass.

2、 How are glass bottles made in b計資atches

Taking the determ車廠inant bottle making machine as an ex這農ample, the glass bott多森le forming process 森知includes:

1. Blowing blowing forming proces間嗎s of the determinant bottle ma風通ker. The blowing bl章拿owing method is mainly used 門農for the manufactu朋的re of small caliber glass畫理 bottles and cans. The technolo事在gical process is as follows: charging 電數→ puffing → back b訊村lowing (primary blowi他南ng → prototype turning → positiv秒個e blowing and bottle solidification coo海內ling → bottle clamping亮吧 → cooling and conveying.短短

2. The press blow molding proc人錢ess of the determinant bo城作ttle making machine. The去火 press blow method is mainly u好火sed in the manufacture of 分風large-diameter glass內靜 bottles and cans. Its t錯光echnological pr飛作ocess is: charging → stamping t銀會o make the prototype → pr影要ototype inflation → prototype我秒 (primary) bottle tu水農rning over → positive blowing and sol湖習idification cooling → bottle clamping低得 → cooling and conveying.