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The way of "lightweight" in glass bottl房兵e packaging ind購慢ustry needs calm thinking Release time: 2020-街坐04-30 Visited: 417 Times

Now, with the diversification of th劇不e market, high-end術說 food, beverage and m車舞any other fields o書站f packaging have begun 請讀to return to the form of glass bottle 學懂packaging. As a new field in 船農recent years, the market sh跳美are of these markets is still ex多請panding, which gives glass bottle 慢低enterprises a good opportunity for 務影development. The market orders看民 of many glass bot雨報tle manufacture金站rs are gradually r弟呢ising. And the single product profit 件是of high-end glass bottle packagi制鐘ng market is relatively high. In ad熱機dition, with a series of env睡樹ironmental problems in Ch朋民ina, new glass bottle manufacturers h男日ave been strictly contro說友lled, and the entry threshold of glass和風 bottle manufacturers h關站as been raised. This makes the numbe離聽r of glass bottle manufa視去cturers relative哥雪ly stable. On the遠那 one hand, the number of glass bottl愛放e manufacturers is limite長體d, on the other han紅金d, the market space of gla銀訊ss bottles is growing. Therefor公林e, glass bottle enterpri船從ses will have more and more 市外broad market space.


Of course, for glass bottle manufactur短日ers, we need to co北村nstantly improve product姐書 quality and design and development如錯 capabilities. No matter ho說鐵w big the market is, it is n家民ot equal for each e志區nterprise, and there will女銀 be more opportunities for advant離電ageous enterprises.

Glass bottle should not be lightened舞媽 blindly

Plastic bottles are 道章on the road of lightweight, and glass b子錯ottles are on the road 文術of lightweight. On the one hand, the li議算ghtweight of glass bottle saves a海文 lot of raw material雜森s, which means the co鐘小st reduction for a g慢妹lass bottle manufacturer鐵請. On the other hand, wit知話h the decrease of glass bottle wei又玩ght, the logistics cost in the 火劇transportation proces他們s will also be greatly saved. Many些大 advantages of lightweight glass請土 bottle make the w時北hole industry have high舊藍 expectations.

However, the lightweight glass bottle i秒美s not as good as it looks. The lightwei事綠ght technology of glass bottl很男e is difficult to overcome. The bottle相舊 body must bear cert資紙ain pressure, the這開 wall of the bottle becomes thin, and t公的he pressure bearing capacit讀跳y of the glass bottle will d友問rop rapidly. So this 窗女lightweight tech熱友nology is very difficul友還t to overcome. For黃土 people's consumption habits畫歌, the heavy texture o為話f glass bottle c下我an more reflect t土錯he grade and luxury of a product姐放. This is why many high-end p明間roducts are packed i年我n glass bottles. Light事風weight glass bo懂歌ttle will lose this advantag低村e. In addition, simila車市r to wine glass bottle,土長 wine has certain線冷 requirements for the color o農道f the bottle bo也金dy, not the thinner the bett什國er.

For the lightweight of glass bott來雜le, each of us should hold a more sob務中er attitude, not blindly.視白

We hope that glass b日錯ottle manufacturers can make書水 a calm analysis. After all, the ma樹輛rket is changing. Altho身海ugh the overall prospect is體遠 promising, we don't think 坐視the market will be as 線厭smooth as we think. With th呢資e introduction of rel議說evant central bans, 鐘音the current high-end t電化obacco and alcoho北信l market is generally cold, wit村綠h prices falling and sales fall術司ing sharply. In this case, the market s中少ales of glass bottles have g文她enerally declined this year. This gives微物 us a warning of the policy ris影業ks faced by the high-end glass bott和窗le packaging market. After all, high-討現end luxury good藍她s will be banned if they 資民are over consum身睡ed.

We think there is a certain market grow月分th space for the future market弟短 forecast of glass bottles,朋近 but this space is not unlimited弟子, so we need to prop光道erly promote.