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The evolution and present situation 煙鐘of wine packaging Release time: 2020-05-關土01 Visited: 299 Times

With the continuous de會讀velopment of wine industry, its packagi麗答ng form is also evolving and deve河答loping.

Wine corks are no lo些年nger traditiona外都l corks. CEN Jia海呢nqiang, creative design director到雜 of Fulong wine industry 那秒in Australia, introduced their patent東多ed packaging products. The c吧笑orks are not corks, but 資時made of special materials. There are m樂麗any invisible holes o學日n them, which can make wine breathe n不著aturally. Experts predict that this k還影ind of cork is a breakth醫還rough innovation of wine enterpris微子es in the new century. Due to its 外區many advantages, mor為視e similar products will ap近知pear in the market.

Some enterprises hav窗務e launched seamless and easy to pull雪又 cans of wine, an計通d screw boxes of wine with faucets了站 made of special materials are easy吃鐘 to open products. Hong Kong河山's Hutchison wine indust很站ry is making a big fuss in packag湖信ing, putting forward the slog還城an of "revolutionary packag數線ing, keep fresh to the last cup&quo門事t;. Hutchison wine industry adopts a un喝議ique design of bottle container道廠. After opening, the p志站ackage can cut off the cont那器act with the air. The opening mod你男e of faucet can ens花可ure that the win友睡e can be sealed in time after each 腦相opening to keep 體日the taste fresh.

Tony ratlmagery, a packa視長ging design company in Sonoma County, 照花California, USA, has set up an alum些但inum bottle consortium, and is expect都頻ed to launch a new wi計愛ne packaging concept習喝 aluminum wine bottle to the market 跳拍soon. Aluminum used to be co可來nsidered as a low-grade packaging熱中 material, but alu微從minum packaging is popular in藍綠 the beer industry見紅, so far there is no wine嗎生 bottle made of近討 aluminum in the worl兒關d.

A director of toyratlmagery believes舊兒 that their aluminum 白說wine bottles will definite影畫ly shake the wine industry. New alum河你inum manufacturing t近技echnology has been able to make窗白 aluminum into any siz問到e and shape. In th自土e future, the aluminum wine bottle機生 will not be light and thin like ma近厭ny soda cans. It is a個多 kind of high-grad亮山e product that can repl自車ace alternative packa也請ging such as plastic and 兒吧paper box. Of course, compared with gla數紅ss bottles, the biggest吧什 advantage of aluminum嗎秒 bottles is that they are not eas湖開y to break. At present, the 農跳company is working with experts from a科內ll walks of life to develop 樂場aluminum wine bottles of stand站月ard shape and size.

In recent years, the ma錯志rket of wine pa有你cked in cartons has developed rap些跳idly. At present, carton wine in th市近e UK market has accounted f街工or 8.3% of the light wine market, an i我說ncrease of 48% over 1997.讀購 A 250 ml carton wine company, one林金 of Australia's six美廠th largest producers of red wine in 務中the picturesque valley 文靜of New South Wal姐年es, has been launched們日. This unique practic愛器al packaging can comp就吃letely block oxygen, s有飛o as to ensure its freshness and f就話lavor, prevent the qua見舞lity of wine from declining輛市, and extend the shelf l火離ife of wine, which is loved電場 by consumers. In add男又ition, this kin你坐d of packaging is easy會黑 to store and not easy to break, whic也都h is very convenient an民從d ideal for barbecue, picnic, pa子區rty, etc. This nov在來el packaging will win g自樂ood sales for the company妹員's wine. Gall電房o also launched the first cartons o好議f wine.

More and more p也多olyester bottles of wi靜費ne appear in the European 城筆market, and has been reco妹山gnized by some cons紙器umers. Westbridge is a professi間厭onal manufacturer of pol歌是yester bottles. They are confident in 內秒the market prospect of using p車答olyester bottles to 多答pack wine. Over 山花the past year, the company's 2-l明工itre package of wine has exceeded all紅個 expectations. Test con科件firmed that: in about a空照 year of storag是知e time, polyester bottle is bas笑要ically to prevent oxygen from p什書assing through. Th雜見e two liter bottle tes會黃t confirmed that in one year, only le我有ss than 10 ppm o水醫xygen transmittance was detecte睡媽d in the controlled shelf, whic哥場h is far less than the 5紙行00 ppm value under normal storag麗電e conditions. In addition,藍老 the mold cost of producing small qu綠靜antities of glass bottles is almos如子t 10 times that of polye花區ster bottles, and麗資 there is little 錢生choice of bottle shape and c討通olor for different products. The polye水子ster bottle can be processe作森d in such a small ba她數tch of 50000. If it女秒 is processed in millions annually,電又 the mold cost wi制黃ll be very low (a total of討窗 10000-13000 US d他空ollars). The wine路西 packed in glass bottle has many "鐵可;short boards" which are hard 音玩to overcome by itself, such a門玩s inconvenient to carry and f事嗎ragile. If pet is us亮雨ed, there will be no such troubl相微e.

A domestic enterprise 會窗has launched wine ice bucket packaging.山見 The wine ice buc做事ket is made of plastic. It is proce子熱ssed and assembled with 農行advanced technologica子花l process. It is not onl數我y a gift package, bu是多t also an ornament and handi技雪craft that can be co和兒llected. Ice bucket, as t有是he name suggests, is我美 used to cool the wine that needs to be算下 tasted in the coo鐘玩l state. When the te畫我mperature of the w兵在ine is above the聽雜 optimal drinking temperature, the ice 對船bucket can reduce the temperatu員視re of the wine to頻化 the best in a few minutes.店為 The use method is very simp上村le. Put ice and 信現cold water into the ice bucket 通畫to the shoulder of the bott物討le. The ice bucket can quickly reduce t白舊he temperature of the wine to少化 the best tempera訊農ture for drinking, and will not d農玩amage the quality and fla路厭vor of the wine at 但弟all. As the ice bucket pack劇雪aging of wine c話說an quickly reduce the w遠哥ine to the best temperature for drin區做king, it can not only ta內來ste the unique taste of wine, 家友but also be more conducive to pe秒這ople's health, at the same time, it區話 can make the wine appear more nobl個窗e and elegant, and more reflect金開 people's li能身ving taste.

To some extent, Tetra Pak wine can solv快醫e the problem of inconvenient carrying.通說 Tetra Pak wine has a跳從 broad market, which和女 can account for 10% in 吧件Australia. Although there are some弟志 reasons why consumers hav商費e a high awareness of wine,相年 it caters to the po從商sitioning of wine as a fast-movi頻雪ng consumer product after all.