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Why are there so man生志y price differences between gl唱請ass bottles? Release time: 2020-05-02 Visited: 936 Times草湖

Glass is a very conv就輛enient material. It's easy裡靜 to process. It can be車公 heated to soften. There&件林#39;s no need to add anything stran哥花ge. Glass recycling i照資s easier than metal低街 recycling. Moreover,離用 under the surface 音花tension, the glass is easy術文 to form a smooth surf作店ace. On the other hand, it用土s chemical properties 外科are very stable and its hardnes人飛s is relatively 家理high, that is to say, it is easy to鄉讀 clean. That is to s訊謝ay, in general, as long as it i窗月s not washed and不這 recycled directly, this m錢拍aterial should be quite clean. There&#懂快39;s no need to worry about議街 the dissolution. It's much 少家safer than stainless stee白歌l containers.

PS: the price difference of 你短glass products is ac刀媽tually caused by process錯低ing technology. Beca信站use the glass is easy to contai雜工n small bubbles in the p厭下rocess of processing, or uneven edg讀雪es lead to stress concentration, 林鄉uneven thickness and other d路錯efects. These defe兒雪cts will greatly reduce the variou新山s properties of mate生看rials. However, the 河訊process difficulty and additional cos知慢t needed to elim近請inate these defects are so腦裡metimes more than directly scrapping 愛妹unqualified products也唱. That's why many多答 glass products are very expen黃是sive, but they look similar. I文遠t has nothing to do with harm.