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Talking about the application 線去of glass bottle船錢 of cosmetic inner packaging material事問 Release time: 2020-05-05 Visited: 444 Times

Glass bottles are mainl著麗y used in cosmetics: skin care pro大在ducts (cream, lotio靜笑n), perfume, essential oil a腦又nd nail polish. They a厭火re small in size, larger than 20站我0ml and rarely used in cosmeti你但cs. Glass bottles are d街做ivided into wide mouthe理什d bottles and narrow mouthed bottles近家. Solid shaped paste is usuall爸我y used with wide mouthe如業d bottles, suitable for elect費西rified aluminum村北 cover or plastic cover, bott快一le cap can be use音弟d for color injectio紅分n and other effec看男ts. Emulsion or water type paste is ge自森nerally used with narrow mout區樹hpiece, suitable for pump heads,說愛 for example, matching cove從那r with inner plug, water agent with 場海small hole with inner plug, 也為thicker emulsio開綠n with large hole plug.

Glass bottles are easy to be dama知電ged due to uneven thi朋木ckness, or easily crushed by c村電ontents under severe cold co生還nditions. The reasonable商喝 capacity shall be tested during fillin商道g. Paper shall be used藍報 for transportat技靜ion and separated sep行銀arately. Color boxes shall be eq冷路uipped on the pro暗唱ducts. The inne玩是r bracket and middle box can tak信道e more anti vibratio黃在n effect.

The commonly used shape 銀雨of glass bottle is usually in時分 stock, such as es電議sential oil bottle, com場場mon transparent or frosted bott師習le. The production cycle of glass bottl土身es is long, 20 days for fast productio樹說n, 45 days for some delive什費ry, and the general orde銀山r quantity is 5000-100現做00. The smaller t到刀he bottle type, the large鐵們r the quantity to 空國be made, and the cycle and starting o頻技rder quantity will be affected by the 見愛peak season and 樂白off-season. Cost of openin些可g mold: the cost of manual mold is 購和about 2500 yuan, that o車好f automatic mold is ab校我out 4000 yuan, and that o短姐f one out of four 習著or one out of ei微在ght is about 16000 yuan to 32000對件 yuan, depending on the manufa知刀cturer's conditions. The e拿話ssential oil bottle is usually made體美 of tea colored or colore短資d and colored abrasive. 土音It can avoid light雜書. The cover is covered with a safe電熱ty ring, and can be provide你藍d with an inner房朋 plug or a dropper. The perfume bottle子睡 is usually equipped with an exquisit國事e spray pump head or plastic cover.

Combination form:

1. Cream bottle series: glass bot讀火tle body + double plastic 志內cover (general capacity is 10g-50g)

2, essence liquid series: glass 做做bottle body + plastic pump hea和場d or electrified aluminum pump head (r到謝elatively high capacity in 20 to 吃兵100ml)

3. Toner series: 了她glass bottle body + plastic in家為ner plug + outer cover (more than 10通相0ml, which can also be equi在間pped with pump head)

4. Essential oil如司 bottle series: glass bo刀很ttle body + inner plug +秒風 big head cover or rubber 藍森dripper + dropper那子 + electrochemical業學 aluminum cover

Manufacturing process:

Bottle body: transparent bottle,又一 frosted bottle, colored bot雜購tle white porcelain bottle, essent來看ial oil bottle (not commonl男從y used but with high quantity, less pr她的ofessional line), spray

Generally, the spraying effec服對t is increased by 0.裡河5-1.1 yuan / piece, de影話pending on the area 老光and the difficulty of color matching煙照. The silk screen print問聽ing is 0.1 yuan. The cylindrical 筆玩bottle can be used for monochromat她議ic calculation, and the shaped bottle 哥道can be used for bicolo北間r or polycolor calculation工可.

Printing: silk screen printi書數ng and bronzing (the number of飛兵 times of silk screen printing and子對 bronzing should not exceed 2 in tot信子al, too many colors, high quality你朋 products and high間見 cost)

Screen printing: there are two kinds 文風of glass bottle screen prin畫為ting: one is high temperature ink 讀作screen printing, w鐘關hich is not easy to decolorize, the要事 color is relatively dull, pur湖作ple color matching is difficul能購t to produce effect我車, the other is low temper場窗ature ink screen請讀 printing, the color is relatively 做公bright, the ink requ話舞irements are high, otherwise it i都開s easy to fall off, and 制銀attention should be paid to the bo低風ttle detoxificati時電on. Gold and silver stam都很ping 0.4 yuan / it志小em.