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Why is glass bottle proo民視fing the key step of glass bot化西tle production? Release time: 2020-05-05 Visited: 414 Times

The quality of glass bottle is答低 closely related to it電子s design, material quality, product腦錯ion equipment an笑地d mold manufacturing. The key s們舞tep in the production of glass b白街ottles is proofing. We usua話近lly look at proofin站作g. First, we need to know what gra工路de our products are, wh音明at are the special requirements購問 for physical and chemical properti雨間es and appearanc友遠e. Second, we need to know the pr人這oduct quality of the manufacture銀日r and see if the manufacturer can prod話暗uce glass bottles吃很 of the same quality as the p司報roofing party. Proofi區對ng directly affects the production c木月ost and quality of glass b呢事ottles, so we must pay at頻去tention to it.

1、 Cost of glass bottle mould

If it's a common mold理就, it's about 2000-2500 yuan a pa麗很ir. If it's a glas樂農s bottle, it's required to have a 來都good appearance,林物 and the size devia公章tion is very strict. It外理9;s recommended to use a spray 短小welded mold, and the price is 坐通close to double. Therefore, from the p黃他erspective of proofing, although爸她 some manufacturers have received th裡媽ousands of molds, they懂坐 will lose money if they fail計姐 to pass the proofing several times. Th的微e main reason is that the cost 自村of wasted production 雪就time is too high. In fac不市t, the mold cost is n好黑ot required by the manufa玩亮cturer, but collected by t時道he mold factory. E外可specially for the special-sh線白aped bottles, many products can 得從only be made qua弟樂lified samples after many times of im畫草provement. Or the process used is not 場爸the same, the equipment計慢 is not the same, different equ司鐘ipment may be difficult to make the sa了兒me product.

Many glass wine bottles and wine bot了票tles in China are 睡光produced by imported equipment. If 空姐we need to find a服城 professional manufacturer in通化 this respect, then th遠關e price. With the impro制購vement of China's econo司理mic level, our la家事bor cost has increased a l草冷ot. Compared with developed c開煙ountries, it is OK, but not higher f子樹or underdeveloped countries. E河玩specially in recen到是t years, the labor cos短些t has increased, coal and銀文 natural gas have increased rise. The c作城ost of transportati西歌on has increase什玩d and the unit price of products has紙近 increased a lot. (probab術姐ly because of th秒信e support of tax rebate) the domes計為tic price war for conven技事tional products is quite fi鄉也erce. So we have a good a線呢ttitude when we make pro見林ducts. The price 秒唱of products with good quality m去山ust be high, and the qua短靜lity of products好機 with low price is equal.

It is required that the appearanc林會e is very good, the 水自transparency of the bottle is 頻暗very good, and the finish is 水了very good. You can choose high 子靜white materials or some are ca雪哥lled crystal white material身遠s, mainly high-grade w兒畫ine bottles, like Wuliang員工ye and golden wine bottle都看s. Then there are the 吃見bottles of daily chemical series, bu你樂t the physical and chemical prope做要rties of such products a鐘影re inferior to th窗科ose of pharmaceu和什tical materials, some of them wil習呢l break at high tempe問算rature, and some of the inde錢很xes are beyond the regulations. If the 個物appearance is requir習老ed to be very good, the 土山transparency and smoothness of the bo服輛ttle are require得訊d to be very good, high white m議是aterials or some are called crystal whi鄉刀te materials, mai生事nly high-grade wine bottl計看es, like Wuliangye制計 and golden wine bottle書中s. Then there are the bottles of dai和現ly chemical series, but the physical 醫風and chemical properties of s很金uch products are inf業城erior to those of pharmaceutical ma家術terials, some of them 劇銀will break at high temperature, and som亮習e of the indexes are beyond the reg刀人ulations.

3、 Production and price of glass bo媽筆ttle

1) If it is a glass b畫亮ottle with a capacity of m門笑ore than 250-300ml唱紅, it is recommended to use a single dro媽拍p machine for production, 問電most of which are 6 熱了or 8 in China.

2) If the capacity is 兒日less than 250-50ml, it is rec山個ommended to use double drop machine鐘短 for production, most of which are 志她6 pairs or 8 pairs in林拿 China.

3) If the capacity is less 冷腦than 50-5ml, there are腦笑 now 3 drops and 4 drops大音 in China. There are five友喝 or six drops of equipment, w中新hich requires a large numb舞美er

4、 Glass bottle proofing 對也time

Now in the market economy, ever畫訊y glass bottle factory業計 is competing with each other, a通刀nd they all want to get more orders so 讀視as to have better profits. If y船鐵ou are a salesman, you must 遠農want to receive more lists.頻北 Some glass bottle manufacturer長女s that have done a good job for a l看離ong time have a 河店detailed review p裡師rocess for their orders, 分樂but the review time may道西 be longer. Generall錢業y, small enterprises關河 are very flexible. After getti美慢ng the samples, they feel that they ca做來n do it, and they can produce the samp樹畫les within 20 days.做靜 We can calculate that from the 那們sample production就綠, they are usua的玩lly looking for specialists Some of the務音 mould manufacturers in the indu相小stry make their own 土作molds, from bottle drawing drawings年討 (2-3 days), customer confirmati議員on (1-2 days) to友河 making molds, if the煙舞y are single drop 6 groups or d習風ouble group 4 groups, they need at lea科山st 10 sets of molds, and the pro影高duction time of molds is abou行得t 10 days (if they are sam會體ple molds, they will be f問高aster) plus other 5 days,化這 so the shortest time is 20 days事媽. Then there is the arr吧師angement of machine proof長門ing, which is estimated to take 5 d公紅ays, so it is c說作lose to a month's p海樂roduction time. But now many custom們訊ization parties requ舞鐵ire 15 days or 20 days to問錢 get samples, so the manufacturers就懂 have to catch up in some aspects, som東票e even in the unmat兵弟ched production line 快劇proofing. The p聽著roducts with not stri個森ct quality requirem頻什ents can also be used.月拿 If they are special藍笑-shaped products, it is difficult to 腦用make qualified sample窗河s if the material properties and mold 劇錢design are not matched.