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Introduction of glass bottle l開師ine machine and manual pro商校duction Release time: 2020-05-0化理6 Visited: 622 Times

In the production of wide mou吃他th glass bottles, the區下re are many manual machines (there are 都校also pedal type manual turning over 紅鐘small mouth bottle pr討上ocess), and two prod如多uction processes of assem朋樂bly line. The process is公近 different, and the pric費但e is also different. 子煙Many customers do答就 not understand and do not unders畫個tand. The specif算員ic differences are as fol不司lows:

1. Manual machine wide mouth glass刀樹 bottle, due to manu員分al operation, wil吃的l make different p西議roduct effects and 煙匠quality due to different operators, e空說specially the obvious place is a兒制t the bottom of wide mouth bottle飛森, the uniformity will vary f樂快rom person to pers遠和on, but the ope南土ration time of a single variety w坐好ill be improved空分, while the assembly line 船習is different, and th還如e machine parameters and bott嗎開le drop number controlle日腦d by computer num外南erical control program will be資月 very uniform and accurate, The produc件明t finish, evenness a車讀nd crescent line a要喝t the bottom of the bottle are very 票要clear and beautiful. It is suitable f低做or large-scale assembly lin下到e container filling, which can impr木這ove production capacity and output effi唱知ciency.

2. During the operation of the pr計為oduction process of the manual machin線歌e, the mould of t報匠he wide mouth bot車討tle will be put off o爸少r not in place. I空匠t is not true, and the uniformity雨內 of the wide mouth bottle 美腦will be greatly different. Ho著樂wever, the manual operation will be妹資 more flexible than the assembly line 花女due to the individua謝煙l bottle type, so as to achieve the 務美product effect t樹學hat the assembly line個這 cannot produce.

3. The manual machine mold is mostly o大請pened by handle. The shap朋術e cooling and closin廠木g line of bottle will煙公 be affected by the tim訊小e and length of blowin女就g air and opening 西都and closing mol風西d. The assembly line什議 is different. The mold vent ho光她le and opening and c好區losing time are very acc雨計urate, which has little 銀冷impact on the product shape, a民木nd the product mold closing line 大做will be very smal但師l.

4. The manual m花看achine production process does多時 not have high requirements on the pr又小oduction site and p站鄉roduction change time. It ca笑校n meet the needs日事 of small quantity of customers flexib長們ly. The mold production time is short樹著 and the cost input is small花書. It is also one of th刀西e reasons why the 能光manual machine process has been pop紅樂ular with glass bottle manufac用老turers. The ass新冷embly line will hav車民e certain requirements o報算n the production site and pr懂老oduct quantity.

5. Now many glass bottle manufacturers她是 will install two 身麗processes, manual影子 machine and assembly line, o相北n the same kiln,來朋 so as to achieve complementary p你空roduction capacity, maximi跳國ze production efficiency and meet the 地城needs of different customers.