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How to choose glass bottle Release time: 2020-05高子-06 Visited: 385 Times

We don't know 中聽how to place all kinds o新朋f sundries in our daily li能師fe. Many friends will choose明不 some glass bottles for st美上orage. Because of its strong seal暗理ing, it is very popula是音r. At present, there紙刀 are all kinds of glass b友就ottles in the market t低樹o teach you some 懂化key points to choose.

1. Size

Storage tank and large and small知要 products of various sizes, we should土會 choose the app木個ropriate size ac你志cording to the a子站ctual use. Generally 習花speaking, the sm生刀all storage tank is more suitable for t少筆he restaurant ki飛煙tchen to store various materi鐘票als, while the medium and large問房 storage tanks are suitable f件技or the living room and storage room 匠鐘to store some large things.

2. Sealing

Generally speaking, the storage o為短f seasonings and food materials requir章了es a high degree of t風章ightness, so as to avoid deterioratio一近n due to humidity; wh鐘黑ile the storage of some things 新短requires a low degree of t媽熱ightness, such as candy bi書人scuits with independ下朋ent packaging. Cover ha山區s plastic cover, glass bottle計去 tin cover, stainless信很 steel cover.

You should chec做西k the quality of the storage tank car哥不efully when you buy it

First of all, the storage t快亮ank body shall be complete wi吃自thout cracks or holes; there sh房理all be no peculia會問r smell in the tank; then check wheth錢花er the cover can be sealed tightly. 業村In the case of glass bott近司les, from the dominant pos習做ition of liquid packaging at the beg坐銀inning to being re對物placed by plastic bottles, alth開民ough the market share has been sup到空pressed. But in some areas, it 地區has been in an irreplace國喝able position. Fo他麗r example, in the wine bottle market, 分用glass bottle is the be煙遠st choice, although the packaging indus少說try tries to replace 照少it with plastic bottle. But 化窗at last, it is found that both the pr門吧oduct itself and the ma拍站rket are difficult to accept. Mor一嗎eover, with the i些為mprovement of living standa鐘地rds, glass bottles began to r樹錯ecover in some high-end p窗校ackaging fields房技.