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Discussion on the上我 quality factors o議家f liquor glass bottle Release time: 2020-05-07樂花 Visited: 399 Times

With the rapid development of white靜了 wine industry,森船 white wine glass bottl他慢e, as the first ch校村oice of wine pack時錯aging products, has also develo文業ped rapidly in recent y到土ears. It is reported that its chemical 又站composition is stable, with good acid外件 corrosion resistance and barri還河er ability. Able to maintain the 站明wine quality for a long time. 章數Not only that, after caref術鐘ul design of the bottle shape訊她 novel. However, the formation of thes她道e advantages is composed o要工f many factors. If n資也ot used properly, th外放e characteristics of懂媽 the bottle will be lost. S雨音o, today, let's t火林ake a look at the quality of white森銀 wine glass bottles?

1、 Technical factors of liq跳冷uor glass bottle ma錯友nufacturers. The technical streng河北th of a glass b服新ottle manufacturer is the 銀地hard strength of a success很樂ful liquor glass bottle pro風計duction. When consumers 現哥choose glass bottle manufacturers, the我大y should try their bes能好t to choose manufa大關cturers with adv匠男anced production technology, a都物dvanced enterprise美月 culture and business放喝 philosophy. Such manuf金坐acturers often have good舞兒 reputation and good刀說 reputation. The liquor glass bot員在tle products produced by the lock 西間are more close to th錢玩e needs of customers道到.

2、 Mold factor. The desi農商gn quality of glass bottle mold wil地市l directly determine the土來 quality of liquor山紙 glass bottle. A successful mo藍刀uld will minimize the production error西從 of liquor glass bottle. However, an u坐拍nsuccessful glass bottl理熱e mold of liquor can not meet the n看輛eeds of customers, and will cause wast又飛e of resources 窗動and costs.

3、 Annealing operatio綠暗n. The annealing operatio車動n after forming will directl紙音y affect the quality of glass wine bot技喝tle after cooling production. 在她(whether there is cold expl制她osion or not) the glass bears the dras得不tic change of te道報mperature and shape in the forming proc微服ess, which often leaves th信個ermal stress in th能校e glass products. The thermal st書視ress greatly reduces the strength and 分報stability of glas呢如s products. Therefor看黑e, the glass prod作腦ucts must be kept warm or cool老工ed slowly within a certain tempe筆不rature range after forming to reduce t校街he thermal stre票技ss value, so as 雜弟to ensure the quality o飛線f glass products.

4、 Artificial technology. The operati黑場on technology of an enterpris物睡e's staff will directly affect t人輛he quality of products. A successful玩我 white wine bottle manufacturer lock 問說with a team of workers are often ve冷坐ry skilled.

Therefore, the requirements務和 for  a good 會答white wine glass bottle 體鐘are very strict, because慢電 a little mistake may affect the ta門綠ste of the wine a好見nd lose the ori綠山ginal mellow flav路森or. We also hope that w上購hen you buy, you can make a f錢黑ield investigation an鐵樹d test the fineness of t化算he workmanship, so 樂文that our wine will give full pl弟資ay to its original flavor!