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On the price selection and difference在熱 of glass bottle Release time: 2020-05-08 Visited: 488 Times

What is the price of物玩 glass bottle related to? The price of 日東glass bottle is different美現, because it is divided into differ懂問ent specifications and mode海金ls. Even the same goo習媽ds are different, 路謝so the price of glass bottle is作線 different. So, what is th數事e actual decision-making?

1. There are different kinds of glass分美 stoppers and different prices.木數 Many people want to say that small co科們rks are so harmful? There i山議s no doubt about the answer低舊. The key of glass cork has the functi高懂on of sealing. The types o學服f glass cork are plastic cap, g動低lass cap, aluminum cap and al議是uminum plastic fusion cap acc習著ording to the materials. Pla在木stic bottle caps are divided into thr靜人ee groups of caps, fiv線好e groups and seven 飛鐘groups according to the structure化也, including cas中算ting color, spr這去aying, electroplating, UV, wa弟些ter plating, etc. according to t習廠he processing technology; alumi站生num caps are divided into aluminum leat師山her caps and aluminum oxid北說e caps, and glass caps are div來務ided into solid core姐了 glass caps and h土事ollow glass caps, etc. Different c車業ork materials are not the same as輛雨 the prices of 慢學production and manufacturing, 唱相and the airtightness i相熱s not the same. If there i近一s a difference in cost, 校朋there will be a difference in 文和finished products.

2. Different materials, 器站specifications and models, differen如對t prices. For example, the 老多wine bottles are divided into high whi通飛te, crystal white and plain white, and們土 there are also porcelain white bottle對西s and colorful bottles. Which type 資用of wine uses which gla山房ss bottle, for example, many of Ma坐朋otai wine use porcelain white win在大e bottles, pure gr機森ain wine use full transparent glass b學匠ottles, red wine and wine use colored g很光lass bottles. In the process of ap你可plication, it should be car微醫ried out in accordance with the花看 actual applicati問可on requirements and regul請化ations, and in accordance with t站制he specific applicati中山on specifications and me海秒thods, which can fully present certain費老 characteristics and adva鐘是ntages.

3. The total number of purchases is dif有年ferent, and the亮木 price is different. It is self-evi醫機dent that the pric跳房es of many, dozens and countle兒體ss are not the same. The lower th微計e price, the more e雨開xpensive it is, it is equal to v會師olume and retail. For com化雨panies with large purchase v女媽olume, they usually 機土have additional preferentia玩明l rebate and have completed long-term 商厭cooperation.

4. The quality and pr但亮ice of glass bottles are different. A有麗s the saying goes,計劇 "a penny, a數很 penny of goods", which include問爸s glass material, thi人雨ckness, refractive index, ther動如mal stress, durabilit技要y and other indicators. The quality o快路f the glass bottle亮歌 will be different if the quality,弟慢 fineness, durability and specification懂湖s are different.

5. There are different manufacture為讀rs of glass bottles and diffe人窗rent prices. Different g鄉拿lass bottle manufacturers use differ子那ent machines an員都d equipment, production process, d她分esign methods, etc., and the price of p習人roducts is also different. Be able to c木自ompare more in the case of purchase, an音讀d select suitable glas年校s bottle manufacturers according to 山外their own require科對ments.

The above factors are爸書 the factors endangeri車日ng the price of glass bottles. In妹金 fact, good glass bottle man火吃ufacturers adhere西雪 to the standard of "good qualit那喝y and low price". If the comp國多any wants to have a long-term 鐵月development tren喝她d, it cannot see the current small prof劇習its. It is important to do well in it內作s own products.