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How to improve the sprayin麗雜g effect in the spraying of gl事章ass wine bottle Release time: 2020-05-09 Visited: 337 Times

The spray production line 吃森of glass wine bottle通農 generally consists of spray r會美oom, suspension chain a靜黃nd oven. Glass bottle and the f話從ormer water treatment. The special atte她們ntion of glass bottle is sewage歌短 discharge. As for務子 the spraying quality of gla工她ss bottle, it is 醫草related to water treatment, su亮冷rface cleaning o不業f workpiece, conductivi市房ty of hook, air volu來亮me, powder spra風見ying and operator哥店9;s level.

1. Preprocessing section. The p著林retreatment section 不冷for spraying glass wine黃什 bottle includes pre stripping, 拿厭main stripping and surface 麗理adjustment. If it is in the nort雜影h, the temperature of the mai和工n stripping part cannot be too 唱火low, so it needs heat pre謝土servation. Otherwi錢視se, the treatment effe吧票ct is not ideal

2. Preheating section. Afte大在r pre-treatment, it is 看南required to enter the preheati票筆ng section, which generally tak睡這es 8-10 minutes. 愛票When the glass bo樂用ttle reaches the po銀身wder spraying r有店oom, it is required to make the sp公她rayed workpiece hav玩資e a certain amount of res民化idual heat, so as to increas在件e the adhesion of the powder f還那oam.

3. Glass bottle s術間oot blowing purificati師什on section. If t通黃he process requirements國謝 of the sprayed workpiece are rela說裡tively high, this section i服線s essential. Otherwise, if t讀謝here is a lot of dust adso行唱rbed on the workpiece費是, there will be a lot of part村工icles on the surface of the對科 processed workpi子志ece, which will reduce 放拿the quality.

4. Powder spraying section. The 子呢key point of this section is the techn微下ical problem of the duster. To cr商兵eate good quality, it is wort店日hwhile to pay for a 姐從skilled master.

5. Drying section. 紅制The temperature and baking t鐘明ime should be paid atten村對tion to in this section. Generally, 18理會0-200 ℃ is better for 美訊the powder, and the material of the wor花有kpiece should be c訊白onsidered. There is 計中also drying furna廠快ce from the powder room村雜 should not be too far, genera兵行lly 6 meters is good.