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Why glass bottle is the first c機喝hoice for edible oil packaging費章 Release time: 2020-05-議離10 Visited: 577 Times

One of the main products of glass bo人路ttle is the familiar and fa但都vorite packing container. In recent 飛妹decades, with the development of indus書件trial technology, a vari這文ety of new packaging materi兵暗als, such as pla問船stic, composite materials, spe麗美cial packaging paper, t理們inplate, aluminum foi多少l, have been prod房還uced. Glass as 子錢a packaging material i這答s in fierce comp少化etition with other packag兵水ing materials. 視媽Due to the advantages of tra冷水nsparency, good ch們看emical stability, low pri西讀ce, beautiful a業數ppearance, easy to manu來白facture and recycl對們e for many times, glass products can 時制not be replaced by other packaging 相答materials despite報電 the competition of 習來other packaging mate說現rials.

In recent years, through more th問這an ten years of life practice, people h他醫ave found that eating plastic 高樂barrels (bottles) of 錯離edible oil, wine, vinegar and soy工很 sauce will bring har醫費m to human health爸明:

1. For a long time, use 熱著plastic barrels (bottles) to海校 load edible oi舞房l. Edible oil will surely dissolve 影事into plasticizers harmful to human bo黑遠dy. 95% of edible oil on the domesti線公c market is filled in plastic bar舞舞rels (bottles). Once stored for a long暗木 time (usually more 遠南than a week), edible oil will dissolve你商 into plasticizers h西能armful to human body. Domestic experts 弟靜have collected different brands of pl光少astic barrels (bottles) o哥是f soybean salad oil, blen員年ded oil and peanut oil o的愛n the market for te玩來sts. The test results s舞微how that all plastic barrel頻區s (bottles) tested contain p他件lasticizer "dibutyl phthala知購te".

Plasticizers have a certain to得地xic effect on the human reproductive s東朋ystem, and more toxic to men. But beca朋商use the toxic effect of拍到 plasticizer is chronic and但志 hard to detect, it has been widely鄉男 used for more than ten years, and小歌 now it has attracted the attention 爸鄉of experts at home and abro器現ad.

2. The condiments such as 花化wine, vinegar and soy sauce conta裡坐ined in plastic barrels (b離秒ottles) are easy to be polluted by eth業黑ylene, which is harmfu煙唱l to human body. Plastic barrels (bot飛藍tles) are mainly made of polyethylene 門民or polypropylene and other女下 materials with a var裡近iety of solvents added. Polyethyl刀家ene and polypropylene are請西 non-toxic materials, which h爸家ave no effect on human body wh話說en used for canned drinks. 區年However, the plastic bo問是ttle still conta的就ins a small amount of ethylene monome在商r in the production process. If alcoh拿會ol, vinegar and other fat soluble or白微ganic matters are stored fo能愛r a long time, physical 很家and chemical reactions will occur, 門化and the ethylene monomer wi河雪ll dissolve slowly. I體友n addition, plastic b票雨arrels (bottles)要相 are used to hold wine, vinegar, soy西火 sauce, etc. in對房 the air, plastic bott綠船les will be aged by the effe很坐cts of oxygen, ultraviole議物t rays, etc., releasing醫會 more vinyl monomers, which will m南很ake the wine, vinegar, soy sau媽也ce, etc. stored in the bar近工rels (bottles) deterio科著rate.

Long term consumption of ethylene c對這ontaminated food will lead to 我他dizziness, headache, na道懂usea, loss of appetite, memo北個ry loss and other symptoms. Severe case作訊s can also lead to anemia. It can be學的 concluded from the above: with the co他森ntinuous improvement 件內of people's purs機路uit of quality of life, peop些志le will pay mor窗低e and more attention to the safety of 從行food. With the populari民爸zation and deep工風ening of consumers' awareness of t船海he hazards of plastic barrels (bottl理一es) of cooking oil, vi個可negar, soy sauce, etc., g件好lass bottles and jar綠學s are beneficial to human hea少林lth. Packaging containers will gr費話adually become the consensus of con林知sumers and will become glass New oppo制月rtunities for the development of glass 民匠bottles and jars.