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玻璃瓶"剪刀印”解析與解決方案 玻璃瓶"剪刀印”解析與解決方案 湖什Analysis and solut分還ion of glass bottle "scissor printi紅劇 Release time: 2020-06-09 Visited: 3418 Times

In the forming p的城rocess of glass contai商些ner, the drop forming is the firs了跳t step of the bottle for看上ming process, a又化nd it is also the key to the glass 煙道bottle forming process.

Drop forming is to make還你 the drop glass liquid have a suita區亮ble and uniform tempera我從ture. Under the mechanic南司al motion of the barrel, bowl, punch a音校nd scissors, the drop gla慢近ss liquid forms to meet the requirem體聽ents of forming.

The defect of glas電章s containers (bo樹事ttles and cans) 員唱"scissor print" is th對現e obvious trace left on the議樂 bottles and can秒河s due to poor sh車分earing during the fo風照rming process of the material dr微兒op.

A kind of

1、 Shear process of跳老 droplet formation河空

The glass liquid flowing out 喝市of the bowl is cut b吧謝y overlapping and closing the upper頻房 and lower scissor pieces t化可o form the glass讀能 drop. In the proc議我ess of shearing, the gl風車ass drops are im作什pacted by the te妹商mperature of the scissors and the mec公生hanical force of the遠購 scissors.

When the bad shear occurs, it is possib說煙le to produce glass shear m照國arks on two parts of the material drop.關白 The shear mark on the materi報金al drop will be left at the bottom房畫 of the glass b訊是ottle, and the shear mark under th吃見e material drop will be left河白 at the mouth of t農哥he glass bottle. This kind of cutting匠拍 trace will enlarge i開短n the process of forming and懂厭 blowing, forming a "scissors prin看謝t".

"Scissor print" affects t信雜he appearance slightly, a山請nd becomes the source of crack.

A kind of

2、 The formation of 河線scissor print

When the glass liquid 短懂flowing out of the bowl is冷信 cut off by the scissor來兵s, the glass liq有美uid left in the upper p事分art of the bowl mout筆林h is suspended, 嗎訊and the glass liquid友男 drop in the lower part fa他樂lls into the mold through the gui火習de material. When the suspension從舞 glass liquid and the l睡愛ower glass drop which are cut of如裡f and left at the mouth of the bow玩了l are cut, the scissors mark o還章f the scissors will be left.員志 Because of its large heat, th路藍e suspension glass liquid at th見間e material bowl mouth can reduce 員黑the temperature differen愛外ce through heavy heat and eli看大minate the scissor print generate時新d by the upper scissor吧鐘 blade. However, because the lower 美麗glass droplet contacts with the mold an外玩d cools rapidly, it is easy t樂視o leave the scissor print大現 generated by the lower scis用也sor blade.

In the shear pro文理cess of material drop formatio西玩n, the glass liquid is 日討cut through overlapp金家ing and closing of scissors. If:

1. If the sharpness of t道為he scissors is no作費t good, the cut中間ting section of the glas如厭s liquid flowing out of the身車 material bowl wi這制ll be stuck, stretched or p國影ushed in the horizonta窗紅l direction of the upper風媽 and lower scissors.訊技 The glass liqui看刀d stretched or pushed by adhesio草美n will cool faster than the who友嗎le material drop. In t議老he conveying process of 東雪the material drop to the p很得rimary die through the g司舞uide chute, the gla一錯ss liquid that is stuck, stretche雜兵d or pushed by the heavy hea和鄉t of the material dro分弟p during the shearing process may reach數工 the same temperature歌區 as the whole material dr朋唱op. It will not affect the 相劇whole material drop.

However, the effect of reheating is no長輛t good. The temperature of the glass 在姐liquid produced in the process of s都票hearing may not be consistent with th腦白e temperature of the whole material dr低麗op, so the glass 師數liquid produced睡湖 in the process of shear美少ing will form tiny b城年ubbles in the material drop. The "電跳scissor print" is formed d吃鐵uring the molding an也刀d blowing process.

2. The amount of overlapping of the 醫可scissors is not enough, so that the sci資路ssors are not enough over討玩lapped and closed, and the material路都 drop is not completely離學 cut when cutting t他風he glass liquid. A glass dra嗎信wing wire is formed between the一笑 hanging glass liquid and the sheari報要ng glass drops from 路會the bowl mouth, which may cause 很件tiny glass bulges 門小at the upper and lower en書火ds of the glass drops. The temperat遠月ure of the glass bulge will drop rapid友錯ly, forming glass 美花fragments attached to the s國報urface of the glass drop,藍時 forming "scissors print"雪暗 during the molding and b影紙lowing process.

A kind of

3. If the scissors are not tensio理友ned enough, there will be a gap bet新鄉ween the upper s兵海cissors and the lower scissors. When cu友化tting the glass liquid, th遠黑e cutting surfa土和ce of the glass drops will器紅 be rough. If the roughness of the湖聽 upper and lower c她水ut surfaces cannot reac相愛h the same temperatu近器re with the whole material drop by r樹身eheating, a "scissor print" w員城ill be formed during th匠慢e molding and b自水lowing process.

A kind of

Under normal circumstances, the 器筆upper scissor blad身藍e is squeezed from the lower scissor bl男草ade, and the lower scissor blade is 兒機squeezed from the upper scissor blad地會e. When the glass drops are cut of還和f, the upper scissor and t通裡he lower scissor should be in a s視鐘tate of seamless ov風議erlap on the contact surface.

4. If the scissors 公畫are over tensioned, the squeezing pres我商sure of the upper and lower sc從務issors will become the resistance of都知 each other's movement少身. This kind of resistance af行日fects the amount頻不 of overlapping of the scissors, w文外hich makes the scissors not close en快書ough and forms the glass drawing wire w月車hen cutting the glass liquid. In the pr裡你ocess of forming an討新d blowing, glass d電頻rawing will become "sc玩公issors printing".

5. The improper scissor cam makes the道熱 cutting action too slow. In the pr些什ocess of shearing, glass liquid is 懂購impacted by temperature and mecha火費nical force of scissors. 門器If the cutting ac近知tion is too slow, more cutting 對體marks will be left when cutting.

6. The cutting edge o冷外f the scissors sh校上ould be sharp so that 兵裡the glass liquid ca謝我n be cut off easily. If少朋 the cutting edge of the scissors 厭了becomes blunt, the fo月校rce of the blunt cutting edge on th公少e surface of the liquid glass will i匠畫ncrease when it is cut, and the cu高頻tting surface of the liquid gl城物ass will produc科對e wrinkles. In the process o有新f molding and blowing, th林分e wrinkles on the c門劇utting surface will行著 become "scissors printing懂到".

To ensure the sharpness of th鄉計e scissors, the first is 風道to timely replace th慢技e scissors; the second is to行醫 ensure good cooling in the 我作production process.

7. Scissors spray too much or too 可我little. In order如房 to ensure the sharpness of 商件the scissors, the tem海黃perature of the scissors mu姐音st not be too high, so it is necessary綠綠 to cool the cutting sci子書ssors, especially t中姐he cutting edge of the scissors.

Scissor water spray is the only還子 way to cool scissor blade, bu中兵t scissor water spray mu學動st be appropriate. Too中快 small scissor water spray makes sci件海ssor blade not cool enough, and體購 the blade of scissor blade 一木becomes blunt, w資日hich will produce &q了作uot;scissor print". The scissor吧報s spray too much water, and t冷藍he coolant is cont還章inuously sprayed on the gla還劇ss liquid, causing the師慢 temperature of the glass liqu時員id surface to drop, mak黃的ing the glass liquid shear bad是紙ly, and also producing &q南秒uot;scissors print"來黑.

The water spray of sciss拍廠ors can not only cool the s謝弟cissors, but also lubricate the 拍作mutual movement of the upper and答計 lower scissors