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Comparison of tech高化nological process between glass bo舊劇ttle manual machine and ro裡西w and column machine Release time: 2020-06-11 Visited: 903 Times

There are two kinds of 少離production processes in the pr我廠oduction and manufacturing of wide mout老睡h glass bottles, i.e. the manual p白校roduction machine (also the p民相edal type manual producti朋微on process of turning over small m山信outh bottles), and the produ市樹ction line. The process flow i大藍s different, and the price is also地著 different. Many customers don&雜說#39;t understand and c和信an't think of it. T算路he main differences are: 1. No弟唱w many glass bottle 視飛manufacturers will install 線議manual production on the 鐘議same kiln Machine and production line a分通re two kinds of processing technologies高資, and then exceed the暗書 production capacity to校化 complement each othe醫刀r, give full play to the economic be討關nefits of produ有醫ction and manufacturing to a lar要妹ge extent, and consi睡坐der the requirements of dif員火ferent customers. 2. The h術動and-made machine wide mouth glass bott黃土le, because the鐵唱 manual labor will月司 make the operators 土家different, the actua唱現l effect and quality of the products 近錯will be different, very如窗 significant areas in the bottom of the我街 wide mouth bottle, the precision光能 will be in lin紅刀e with the reality, only the si得懂ngle type of actual operation time i書器s long is improved, and the pr對作oduction line is different, control弟子led by the CNC machine system on th明弟e computer The main parameters of pr愛什eparation and the number of bottle來拍 drops are well proportioned and a用城ccurate, and the product smoothness, p吃拍recision and the crescent line聽妹 at the bottom of the bott一時le are very clear and bea輛商utiful. It is suitable for a large 生快number of production line vessels 體費to be canned, which can greatly impro慢美ve the production capacity and yield 行和economic benefits. 3. In the actua大關l operation of th習銀e production process of th低購e hand-made machine, the wide mouth b吃日ottle die is biased or not timely, fals坐路e, and the precision of the視黑 wide mouth bottle die made wil如場l be quite different, but t資開he manual labor will also be more 作他flexible than the production l弟離ine due to some bottle ty子國pes, which will exceed the actua多什l effect of the production line. 身答4. Most of the abrasi不技ves of the hand-made machine a大頻re molded by the do高鐵or handle. The shape 區謝setting water cooling and mold loc問購king line of the glass bottle will她地 suffer from the d睡現amage due to the early, middle and 費坐late time of blowin明錯g gas and the early, middle and土行 late time and leng紅筆th of opening and closing abrasives熱頻. The production line店影 is different. The 裡線abrasives' 身拍exhaust holes and openin可關g and closing time are very accurate, w村美hich does little harm to th看這e shape setting of the goods, an請要d the mold locking line of the 請如goods will be small. 5、 The 路們production proces月會s of handmade machin北對e does not have high re門票gulations on production place and 場好production chan高器ge time. It can easily consi服道der the customer s街市atisfaction of small orders. Th計有e mold processing speed is fast and t議爸he cost investment is 老頻small. All these are the reasons見資 why handmade machine processing大體 technology is always warmly welc謝舊omed by glass bottle manufacturers. Th匠山e production line紅見 will provide producti機劇on place and products Class has 銀開to be specified.